Specific research and technological development programme (EEC) in the field of transport (EURET), 1990-1993
Previously the Community programmes on Energy Conservation, followed by the programme on Non-Nuclear Energy (ENNONUC C), included transport-related projects, whereas the energy demonstration programme (ENDEMO C) has included research on energy saving in the transport sector. However, only one previous Community programme has been implemented with a specifically transport-related objective and framework: COST action 301 on shore-based navigation aids for shipping, carried out in association with several non-member countries, provided a good response to the cooperative needs in its field.
To enhance the effectiveness, economy and safety of transport systems by addressing the economic efficiency, safety and environmental acceptability of transport, particularly in the field of track-guided transport, road traffic, maritime transport and air transport.
Three subprogrammes:
- Optimum network exploitation:
. Cost-benefit and multi-criteria analysis for new road construction;
. European rail traffic management system;
. Design and assessment of a vessel traffic management system;
. Trials in automated air/ground data exchange for air traffic management systems in Europe;
. Study on the controller work station in air traffic management in Europe;
- Logistics:
. Economic scenario and demand projections for freight transport in the Community;
. Economic and technical research into the transfer of goods. Design and evaluation of rapid transfer systems;
. Optimization of manpower in maritime transport: improvement of competitiveness in Community maritime transport through implementing advanced technology;
. Taking human factors into consideration in man/ship system;
- Reduction of harmful external effects:
. Improved methods for evaluating the road safety of car and trailer trains;
. Assessment of the driving safety of possible truck and trailer combinations.
The Commission, assisted by a committee composed of representatives of the Member States, is responsible for implementing the programme by means of shared-cost research contracts, concerted actions and assessments. Participants may be universities, research organizations and industrial companies, including small and medium-sized enterprises, individuals or any combination thereof established in the Community. Projects must involve at least two partners from two different Member States. The association and involvement of European non-Member States will be made possible through the COST system and through the bilateral framework agreements with EFTA countries.
For shared-cost contracts the Community will generally cover up to 50% of the total expenditure, depending on the nature and the stage of development of the research, or up to 100% of the additional expenditure where universities and research institutes are involved. The contracts entered into by the Commission shall regulate the rights and obligations of each party, including the methods of disseminating, protecting and exploiting the research results.
At the end of the second year of implementation the Commission will undertake a review of the programme, making any necessary proposals for modification or prolongation. A final evaluation of the results achieved will subsequently be conducted by the Commission. Both reports are to be submitted to the European Parliament and to the Council.