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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

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Inhalt archiviert am 2023-03-27

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Community research and coordination programmes (EEC) in the fisheries sector, 1988-1992

Part of the Community's Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (1987- 1991) under subactivity 7.2: "Fisheries".

The four research topics included in this programme are geared to the objectives of the Community's common fisheries policy. The programme is covered by Council Regulation (EEC) No 3252/87 (Official Journal No L 314 of 4.11.1987).
To promote research and the coordination of research within the Community in the fields of fisheries management, fishing techniques and aquaculture, with a view to developing a multi-disciplinary approach and to providing the scientific knowledge and technical know-how needed for a rational and viable exploitation of existing resources and for the up-grading of fisheries products.
Four topics:

- Fisheries Management:
. Community research:
Research on the abundance and distribution of stocks of prime importance to the Community, research and development in respect of multi-species biological models, development of a multi-disciplinary approach to fisheries management, and research on specific environmental problems (pollution, diseases and parasites);
. Community research coordination:
Development of simple methods for evaluating stocks on which little information is available, coordination of research into the capacity of the various fishing fleets, methodology of collecting and processing basic data for the management of fish resources, and coordination of data relating to environmental factors (pollution, diseases and parasites);

- Fishing techniques:
. Community research:
Development of fuel-saving gear, improvement of static gear and development of species selective gear;
. Community research coordination:
Testing techniques and instrumentation, fuel saving, selectivity of fishing gear and catch quality;

- Aquaculture:
. Community research:
Study of the early growth of reared species, identification and treatment of diseases of fish and shellfish, genetic research and conservation of gametes, and research on interaction between the fish-farming environment and the species farmed;
. Community research coordination:
Coordination of data on the mass production of live foods for aquaculture species, low- cost rearing and on-growing of mollusc spat, genetics of cultivable invertebrate aquatic species, smolt quality until their release into the sea, effectiveness and profitability of various fish-farming techniques and structures, and aquaculture and environment;

- Upgrading of fishery products:
. Community research:
Improvement of techniques for handling, storing, processing and packaging fish and shellfish, enhancement of the value of landings of fish and shellfish, and recovery of edible protein and other components from fish and shellfish;
. Community research coordination:
Standardization and development of analytic methods for fishery products and consumer response and demand studies.
The Commission ensures that the Community research programmes are carried out by concluding cost- sharing research contracts with research centres and institutes. It also ensures that the Community research coordination programmes are carried out by organizing seminars, conferences, study visits, exchanges of researchers and working meetings of scientific experts and by collecting, analysing and publishing, where appropriate, the results.

Proposals may be submitted by any legal entity, research or industrial organization, higher education institute or university established within a Member State of the Community. The proposers must prove that they are active in the field of fisheries or aquaculture. Projects must have a total cost of not less than 50,000 ECU.

The Community may conclude agreements with third countries taking part in European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research (COST).

The Commission will assess the programmes during the third year of implementation.