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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

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Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-12

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Specific Programme "Cooperation": Transport (including Aeronautics)



Transport is one of Europe's strengths - the air transport sector contributes to 2.6% of the EU GDP with 3.1 million jobs and the surface transport field generates 11% of the EU GDP employing some 16 million persons. But, transport is also responsible for 25% of all the EU emissions of CO2.

What's the benefit for citizens:

During FP7 at least €4 billion will be allocated to fund EU research in order to develop safer, "greener" and "smarter" European transport systems for the benefit of all citizens. Research on transport will also have a direct impact on other major areas such as trade, competition, employment, environment, cohesion, energy, security and the internal market.

What's the benefit for researchers:

The need for new transport networks and infrastructures in Europe is growing and development costs are increasing. Their development at the European level can become a reality only through the collaborative activities of the various RTD providers.
It is imperative to address the different political, technological and socio-economic challenges in a cost-effective manner on issues such as the "clean and safe vehicle" of the future, interoperability and intermodality especially with respect to waterborne and rail transport. Also, developing technologies in support of the Galileo system and its applications will be essential in implementing European policies.

The activities envisaged to be addressed during the lifetime of FP7 will be:
• Aeronautics and air transport (reduction of emissions, work on engines and alternative fuels, air traffic management, safety aspects of air transport, environmentally efficient aviation)
• Sustainable surface transport- rail, road and waterborne (development of clean and efficient engines and power trains, reducing the impact of transport on climate change, intermodal regional and national transport, clean and safe vehicles, infrastructure construction and maintenance, integrative architectures)
• Support to the European global satellite navigation system –Galileo and EGNOS (navigation and timing services, efficient use of satellite navigation)

What's the benefit for industry and SMEs:

Investment in transport research is needed to ensure that European transport industries have a technological advantage allowing them to be competitive globally. In addition, FP7 Transport Research activities will also provide SMEs at the cutting edge of innovation with improved access to pan-European research programmes and their related benefits