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Programme Category

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Robotics - Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH)


a. Innovation Actions

Proposals should address the provision of a network of robotics Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) in the four prioritised application areas (PAA) of Healthcare, Infrastructure Inspection and Maintenance, Agri-Food and Agile Production. Proposals are expected to: develop a network of DIHs, address the delivery of services (technical and non-technical); provide access to best practice and research results in robotics relevant to the chosen application area; contribute to common system platforms, engaging in the development of industry-led standards and developing and disseminating standards demonstrators; facilitate access to pilots and collaborate with all the robotics actions funded in the WP and beyond, as appropriate.

Proposals are also expected to connect, share expertise, and closely collaborate with the DIHs in the other PAAs via the Central Robotics DIH CSA (see below). DIHs should address ethical, data privacy and protection issues, and consider cyber-security issues (including security by design). DIHs should support the development of use-case demonstrators at TRL 5 and above, preferably based on open system platforms.

Proposals are expected to contribute to a Working Group that connects the actions funded in this WP with the Central Robotics DIH CSA to disseminate best practice, to coordinate access to technology, resources, demonstrators and open platforms, and to facilitate the cross development of platforms.

Proposals are expected to use financial support to third parties (FSTP) to support industry, in particular SMEs, in their digital transformation, through for instance, demonstrators and platforms development, technology transfer experiments, or other services (technical or non-technical), as appropriate. FSTP should comply with the conditions set out in part K of the General Annexes of the Work Programme. At least 50% of the budget is expected to be dedicated to FSTP and the maximum amount of FSTP is EUR 300.000[[In line with Article 23 (7) of the Rules for Participation the amounts referred to in Article 137 of the Financial Regulation may be exceeded when this is necessary to achieve the objectives of the action.]] per third party for the entire action duration. For innovation actions of this topic, the four requirements described in the introductory section 'Support to Hubs' have to be applied. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of EUR 16 million for DIHs in each Priority Area would allow this topic to be addressed appropriately. However, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

At least one action in each Priority Area will be supported.

b. Coordination and Support Activities

Proposals should address the provision of a Central Robotics DIH CSA, to support and cooperate closely with the PAA-oriented DIH actions, to network them, to coordinate their activities and to develop synergies among them.

Proposals are expected to disseminate best practices in developing pilots, demonstrators and open platforms, and championing the development of open industry-led system platform standards.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of EUR 2 million for the Central Robotics DIH CSA would allow this topic to be addressed appropriately. However, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
One Central Robotics DIH CSA will be supported.

The challenge is to provide a sustainable ecosystem of robotics stakeholders covering the entire value network to facilitate and accelerate a broad uptake and integration of robotic technologies, and supporting the digitisation of industry through robotics.

  • Increased deployment of robotics in each PAA.
  • Formation of supply chains around platforms and modules that straddle PAA
  • Introduction of cross-industry-based standards for modules and systems
  • Generation of new businesses based around platform supply
  • The development supply chains.
  • Leveraging effect on other sources of funding, in particular regional and national funding