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FET ERANET Cofund in Quantum Technologies


Proposals should coordinate national and regional programmes for research in the area of quantum technologies by implementing a call jointly funded by the participating states with EU cofunding resulting in grants to third parties. This call shall address the following topics:

  • New principles, experiments, technologies, devices and systems that exploit quantum phenomena like entanglement and superposition to achieve new of radically enhanced functionalities.
  • Demonstration and critical assessment of these advancements in comparison to classical or other quantum-based technological options.
  • Exploration of advanced quantum enabled applications in areas of scientific, industrial or societal interest, linked to a critical assessment of feasibility beyond the technical (e.g. in terms of innovation potential, acceptability and industrial/societal take-up).

Proposers are encouraged to implement other joint activities related to the coordination of public research and innovation programmes in quantum technologies, such as transnational networking, training, technology transfer and additional joint calls without EU co-funding.

Research on quantum technologies in Europe is currently funded through several targeted initiatives at European, national and regional level. The aim is to foster synergy between these initiatives in the area of quantum technologies in order to create collaborations among the best groups in Europe and fostering broader partnerships around them to spread excellence and to broaden the European footprint of this emerging technology area.

  • Closer coordination and greater mobilisation and pooling of resources between regional, national and EU research programmes in the area of quantum technologies.
  • Increased transnational collaboration on quantum technologies, especially on topics that are complementary to the EU workprogrammes in this area.
  • Spreading of excellence on quantum technologies across Europe.
  • Establishment and alignment of national and regional research and innovation plans and initiatives in the area of quantum technologies.
  • Identification of promising directions for future research programming through a comprehensive overview on multiple lines of development across Europe.
  • Increased awareness of national and regional research and innovation interests, synergies and complementarities in the area of quantum technologies and their applications.