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Centres/Networks of European research and innovation: follow-up of the ERICENA action


The objective is to capitalise on the work of the ERICENA action and ensure the operations of the ENRICH (European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs) centre in China beyond its initial operational phase. The Commission considers that a duration of 3-4 years for the next phase would be appropriate.

The proposal should show how the activities put forward for the next phase will deliver innovation-related services leading to focused tangible support and benefits to a well-defined client base of European researchers and innovators not yet established in China, and how the financing of the activities to be covered by this contract will fit with private financing raised by services to individual clients. It should also present a sound business plan showing how the activities of the centre will be rolled-out and financed through service contracts with private and public clients, moving from a partly to a fully self-sustainable centre in the mid-term (at the end of this contract).
