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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

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Pan-European knowledge sharing and development of competence in radioactive waste management


This action will aim to further develop scientific, technical and managerial knowledge and competences in the area of radioactive waste management at pan-European level, encompassing the whole range of waste types and forms and origins. The focus should be on the development and transfer of knowledge and competence rather than the actual elaboration and harmonisation of national strategies and programmes. The action should build on the body of knowledge already acquired and complement the training and guidance material developed in earlier Euratom and national programmes. It will include the production of hands-on guidance documents on management aspects and state-of-the-art reports covering the various scientific, technical and economic aspects of radioactive waste management, including geological disposal solutions. It should also propose a methodology to assess the potential and opportunities for transfer of knowledge, competence and technology between radioactive waste management programmes. The action should be directed at the concerned institutional and operational stakeholders with the objective to help them develop strategies, plan and prioritise RD&D actions and develop national programmes adapted to the varying situations and local conditions that exist across the EU. The action should involve specialised research and training organisation, as well as the IGD-TP as source of knowledge and competence.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from Euratom of between EUR 1 and 2 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts. Proposals for topics NFRP 6 to 8 will be ranked in a single ranking list.

The Radioactive Waste Management Directive (2011/70/Euratom) requires each Member State to, inter alia, establish a national programme for the management of radioactive waste, including the carrying out of the necessary research. It is thus important for the Euratom research and training programme to contribute to the wider development of R&D and managerial competences in the field of radioactive waste management at EU level. In this respect, particular attention should be paid to the needs of Member States and associated countries with little or no practical experience in this area.

This action will help to consolidate and extend the knowledge base and competences at pan-European level in the area of radioactive waste management. This in turn will help Member States and associated countries developing their national programme for radioactive waste management including the supporting research and development actions, which is central to the implementing of the Radioactive Waste Management Directive. It should also pave the way to the coordinated and integrated implementation of joint or shared RD&D activities and facilities in any future Joint Programming action of MS RD&D programmes at EU level.