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Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) prevention and management of mental disorders


Proposals must focus on mental disorders as defined by the WHO (see above), and must focus on implementation research in LMIC, and/or in vulnerable populations in HIC. Proposals must build on interventions with promising or proven effectiveness (including cost-effectiveness) for the respective population groups under defined contextual circumstances. Gender-responsive interventions should be addressed, wherever relevant.

The aim should be to adapt and upscale the implementation of these intervention(s) in accessible, affordable and equitable ways in order to improve the prevention and management of mental disorders in the community in medical health care, psychosocial, and public health and other settings and fields. Interventions should meet conditions and requirements of the local health and social system context and address any other contextual factors identified as possible barriers. When economic factors prevent access to effective, low-cost appropriate medication and other management and treatm

The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases[[]] (GACD) call will focus on implementation research proposals on child, adolescent and adult age onset mental disorders[[Mental and behavioural disorders (FOO-F99) of WHO's International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision (lCD-l 0):]] including, but not limited to, dementia, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, alcohol- and drug-use disorders, etc., in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) and/or in vulnerable populations[[Applicants must demonstrate that the proposed population under investigation in HIC is considered as vulnerable.]] in high income countries (HIC).

Mental health is an integral part of health as underlined in the World Health Organisation (WHO) definition of health as a 'state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and no

(one of or combinations of)

  • Advance prevention strategies and implementation of mental health interventions, alleviating global burden of mental disorders;
  • Establish the contextual effectiveness of mental health intervention(s), including at health systems level;
  • Improve tailored prevention and treatment; Develop affordable management and treatment modalities for mental disorders and expand access to care;
  • Inform health service providers, policy and decision makers on effective scaling up of mental health interventions at local, national and regional levels, including affordability aspects for users and health providers;
  • Reduce health inequalities and inequities, including due consideration of gender and age issues where relevant, in the prevention, treatment and care of mental disorders at both local and global levels;
  • Maximise the use of existing relevant programmes and platforms (e.g. research, data, and delivery platforms);