CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Programme Category


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Optimised Industrial Systems and Lines through digitalisation (IA)


Digital tools can enable industry to control manufacturing processes and address issues more efficiently and effectively as they run and update the production plant, while improving key product and production performance indicators such as yield and throughput.

Proposals under this topic have to

  • design robust digital tools integrating materials modelling and materials process development for industry;
  • promote use and adaptation of existing tools and process developments that are applicable to different sectors;
  • contribute also to the development of simulation and optimisation methods to facilitate more efficient design space exploration via experimentation, thereby reducing physical testing and improving quality;
  • enhance efficiency of the manufacturing process;
  • improve process and product quality;
  • improve decision making efficiency, quality and understanding, while at the same time maintaining low operational costs.

Interconnection between processes and other industries is also in the scope, as there is an increased integration of different domains and disciplines in complex workflows. To overcome the problem, proposals have to address interoperability by implementing available data standards like MODA, CHADA and ontologies like EMMO, as well as cooperation with the Industry Commons developments.

The proposed use cases for the developed tool should demonstrate the business case and how more sustainable solutions are achieved in the market, for example by reducing waste and/or emissions during production. A Life Cycle Assessment should be included to estimate the environmental improvement, together with a Life Cycle Cost assessment to demonstrate the lower operational costs.

Proposals submitted under this topic should include a business case and exploitation strategy, as outlined in the introduction to this Destination.