Conceptual development of Automated Multi-Modal Mobility-Systems (“Moving Infrastructures”)
The project stemming from this topic shall contribute to deliver the expected outcomes and the R&I work should cover:
Work-stream 1:
- Technology assessment for passenger and freight transport for an automated multimodal mobility system in the form of a rail-based system of “moving infrastructure” vessel and carrier
- Hazard analysis of multimodal mobility systems incl. determination of relevant standards and legal needs and constraints for the autonomous operation of a railway with a “moving infrastructure” system, with recommendations
- Socio-Economical evaluation of such multimodal mobility system, incl. Use Case Studies
- Development of (a) business case/s including a CBA for the different stakeholders and for the different use cases
- Evaluation (economical and technical) feasibility of envisaged operational procedures
Work-stream 2:
- Technical Concept for Pod, vehicle design including the Coupling System, Operation System (TRL2)
- Design variants of the vessel as e.g. commuter, business, education, freight, etc. (TRL2)
- Development of a sample vessel for one use case at least through validation in virtual environment (TRL3/4)
- Concept development for vessel equipment e.g. Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Automation (TRL2)
Taking into account the output from the projects stemming from the Flagship Areas 1, 2, 5 and 6:
- Design Concept for “moving infrastructure” vessel identification and positioning coordination (“which Pod is where?”) (TRL2)
- Design concept for information and communication (TRL2)
- Design concept for passenger information related vessels (e.g. availability, ETA, equipment) (TRL2)
The “moving infrastructure” vessels shall have standardised dimensions and mechanical interfaces and, if applicable, electrical interfaces. Depending on the application, they are designed for the transport of people and / or goods and include all the necessary facilities or equipment. In case of passengers’ transport, they should also include facilities for communication and passenger information, ticket recognition and / or autonomous payment systems, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, safety and emergency systems, diagnostic equipment and autonomous repair processes, as well as flexible interior equipment. The passenger Pod could also offer the ability for long distance travelling at night.
In addition, there is a need to define all relevant systems for operating a fully autonomous transport system, such as operating system, energy supply, information and auxiliary systems.
Work-stream 3:
- Definition and development of a standardized coupling system, which is essential for safe loading and unloading of the “moving infrastructure” vessels from the “moving infrastructure” Carrier and for securing them on the different transport platforms (TRL3)
- Concept for the handling, loading/unloading technologies (TRL3)
- Development of a “moving infrastructure” carrier for rail with technical validation where achievable (TRL3/4)
The “moving infrastructure” Carrier contains all functionalities that are necessary for transport on existing rail networks, such as running gear, energy supply and drive units, devices for autonomous driving (sensor technology, communication technology, vehicle control, etc.), braking devices as well as global and local transport coordination which should be adapted to all climate and adverse weather conditions (e. g. snow and cold temperature in winter). The “moving infrastructure” Carrier shall be able to carry out a completely autonomous operation on the rail network with low noise-emission and ability to communicate with the latest railway safety systems, to allow mixed operation if necessary. The operating system shall be designed to able to ensure the fully autonomous use of “moving infrastructure” Carrier+Vessel in the existing railway system.
Taking into account the output from the projects stemming from the Flagship Areas 1, 2, 5 and 6:
- automation concept
- design concept for vehicle coordination (incl. TMS and CCS adaptation)
An indicative scheduling of the deliverables is suggested below:
Outcomes under workstream 1 are expected by M15
Outcomes under workstream 2 are expected by M30
Outcomes under workstream 3 are expected by M30
Interactions with other EU-RAIL projects:
The action to be funded under this topic shall take into account the outputs of linked projects from EU-RAIL Flagship Areas 1,2,5 and 6 and work together for any potential interfaces.