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Community contribution for telematic interchange of data between administrations in the Community (IDA), 1995-1997

The IDA programme was established in November 1995 by Council Decision 95/468/EC. The purpose of this Decision is to determine the Community contribution to certain projects in the field of telematic interchange of data between administrations with a view to facilitating cooperation between them.

The IDA home page on the World Wide Web provides updates on all aspects of the programme, including summaries and practical descriptions of the telematics projects currently being supported by IDA. The IDA home page is located at:

It should be noted that the IDA programme is not a research and development programme.
To improve the efficiency of the internal market by allowing administrations to exchange essential information via interoperable telematics networks. It is aimed at coordinating the development and implementation of telematics applications and services that enable national and European level administrations to transfer information in a number of critical areas.

No details are available for this section.

The Commission is responsible for implementing the IDA programme, assisted by a committee composed of representatives of the Member States and chaired by a member of the Commission.

Participation in the IDA programme is open to: Member State administrations and any other public authority (at national, regional or local level); the Community institutions; and the European Agencies.

Projects currently being implemented within IDA are those identified in Council Decision (95/468/EC) which sets out a list of areas where the need for Community support has been identified. These cover:

- Practical introduction of electronic mail on the basis of X.400;

- Improvement in the telematic interchange of data among Member States and between Member States and the Community institutions;

- Facilitating the Community decision-making process, i.e. mainly the communication and management of official documents;

- Progress in the field of the following horizontal activities:
. Provision of generic services such as message transfer, file transfer and data base access;
. Data structure and reference model involving definition of common architecture rules, standardization activities and practical implementation, in particular NSPP (National Service Pilot Projects);
. Legal and contractual framework and quality control;

- Support to the European Agencies for preparatory measures for telematics interchange of data (European Environment Agency, Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market, European Agency for the Evaluation of Medical Products, European Monitoring Centre on Drug and Drug Addiction, and the European Union's Translation Centre);

- Practical implementation of trans-European telematics projects in the following sectors:
. Customs and taxes (VIES/Sites, Excise Control, Quota, Scent-CIS/Fiscal, Taric, EBTI, Transit;
. Fisheries (Fides);
. Agriculture (Animo, Physan, Shift);
. Social Security (Sosnet, Eures);
. Public procurement (Simap);
. Health (CARE (early warning system and pharmacovigilance), Reitox);

- Statistics (SISR/DSIS, including Extracom and SERT);

- Commercial policy (SIGL);

- Competition policy (Fourcom);

- Culture (ITCG - illegal traffic of cultural goods).

In accordance with the provisions set out in the Council Decision, Community support may also be provided for other projects which meet the need for telematic interchange of data between administrations.

The financial resources allocated for implementing actions under IDA for 1997 is set at ECU 37 million. This is in addition to the ECU 60 million established in the Council Decision for 1995 and 1996.