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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-16

Jointly optimising multimedia transmission in IP based wireless networks


The PHOENIX project main goal is to effectively exploit the available bandwidth on wireless links (WLAN, 4G...) that is dynamic by nature, providing optimised solutions for multimedia transmission over IP-based wireless networks. To reach this goal, it is proposed to develop a scheme offering the possibility to let the application world (source coding, ciphering) and the transmission world (channel coding, modulation) talk together over an IPv6 protocol stack, so that they can jointly develop an end-to-end optimised wireless communication link.

The design trade-offs of interactive wireless video systems will be studied, and performance comparisons provided both in the context of existing and future generations of wireless systems. Innovative schemes enabling joint optimisation over wireless links will be developed, that include the development of flexible channel coding and modulation schemes, the adaptation of existing source coding schemes with respect to their ability for JSCC/D and the specific development of new optimised ones. In parallel, efficient and adaptive optimisation strategies will be defined, that jointly control the coding blocks and realistically take into account the system limitations and specifications, such as the presence of ciphering to ensure transmission security, the presence of one or several wireless hops...

This includes also the design of a cross-layer protocol allowing the necessary information exchanges between the upper and lower layers of the protocol stack. Highly needed to improve the overall system performance in a joint approach, this cross-layer design aims at being compatible with existing protocols in the wireless transmission domains. Finally, a global network architecture based on joint optimisation for future wireless systems will be proposed, that includes the development of a transparent network communication approach allowing the application of PHOENIX optimisation strategies in any kind of fully IP-based network.

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