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Holistic management practices, modelling and monitoring for European forest soils

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HoliSoils (Holistic management practices, modelling and monitoring for European forest soils)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-05-01 al 2022-10-31

HoliSoils tackles gaps in knowledge on forest soil processes and aims to harmonise available soil monitoring information to support decision making towards climate and sustainability goals. HoliSoils identifies and tests novel soil management practices aiming to mitigate climate change and sustain provision of various ecosystem services essential for human livelihoods and wellbeing. HoliSoils will offer a better understanding of soil processes to support decision making in meeting climate and sustainability goals, with easily available harmonised monitoring methods, models, tools and data, accessible via the HoliSoils toolkit.
In period 1 of the project, research and field activities were established successfully across all work packages.

WP 1 carried out literature surveys to inform the development of methods for: analysing soil nutrient stocks; characterisation of soil organic matter properties; quantification of biomass of key trophic groups; analysis of soil biodiversity; and functional redundancy and microbial community resilience. Protocols were developed for testing the various methods across field study sites. Sampling was performed across selected experimental plots for the analysis of main microbial-driven processes, including GHG and nutrient fluxes, and decomposition. The composition of microbial communities in forest soils across Europe and test site metadata was regularly monitored and collated within a working database.

WP 2 has produced a model ensemble script for the multi-model tool based on the soilR package and launched an initial version of the online interface, to which further functionalities will be added. It has started the evaluation with GHG data from the experimental sites which will continue until a year of data has been gathered for all sites. It has also started work on theoretical numerical studies exploring soil microbial system behaviour, formulating a flexible reaction network comprising microbial life processes and interaction with bioavailable carbon. The development of the ORCHIDEE and KEYLINK models are on good track.

WP 3 reviewed current methods of GHG reporting from all EU countries and summarized all basic soil parameters necessary for GHG reporting and/or modelling. It collaborated on data on peatland extent with Greifswald Mire Center (GMC), including data from Netherlands, Finland and Sweden in the original GMC maps and started reviews on peatland and organic soil definitions. Work started on accounting for uncertainty in GHG models and on soil sampling guidelines for harmonized GHG reporting. Soil data sources were registered in the WDC-Soils repository for subsequent processing and harmonisation. Data ingestion and processing, cleansing, standardisation / harmonisation of the ‘new’ soil data is proceeding according to the WoSIS (World Soil Information Service) workflow.

WP 4 reviewed the state-of-art of climate smart forestry (CSF) management on soil related ecosystem services, soil C stock and GHG exchange. It analysed relevant scientific literature for the past decade for forest management impacts on soils, identifying the key drivers which control the effect of these forest management practices. Soil respiration measurements started in the HoliSoils test sites across Europe during the first period, while soil microbial community sampling and measurements were initiated in most of the test sites by WP1. Measurement guidelines for soil fractionation, SOM properties and SOM stability were developed, ready for soil sampling in 2023. HoilSoils test sites are also measuring soil fauna, litter decay and litter fall.

WP 5 produced a systematic map of studies investigating the impacts of natural disturbances on forest soil and litter fauna. It carried out reviews on the impacts of precipitation increases and decreases and on the impact of natural disturbances in forests on a wide range of soil properties. New field experiments were implemented in Spain, France, Romania, and Finland to measure tree mortality, windthrow and wildfire effects. Two parallel development routes have begun within the ORCHIDEE model, concerning macrofauna and soil microorganisms, with part of the KEYLINK model coded as a new ORCHIDEE module. A new mathematical approach to soil hydrology of ORCHIDEE allows some flexibility in the calculation of soil porosity.

WP 6 is developing mathematical models using selected models ORCHIDEE, EFISCEN-space, ECOSSE to quantify impacts, trade-offs, and synergies of sustainable CSF management scenarios for forest soils on Europe’s GHG balance, soil quality, and water budget under future climate conditions and disturbance regimes. Promising CSF strategies for ORCHIDEE, EFISCEN-Space and ECOSSE, informed by the WP4 literature study on CSF strategies, are being developed. The different models were analysed, compared and harmonised.

WP 7 produced the HoliSoils dissemination, exploitation and communication strategy (DEC) and a stakeholder engagement plan. A stakeholder and end-user advisory board (SEAB) was established to follow, comment and co-design the work of HoliSoils. It produced the project visual identity and branding, launched the HoliSoils Twitter account and the project website. Communication materials developed include the project brochure, general PowerPoint presentation, project newsletter, roll-up and academic poster template. It carried out a review in collaboration with WP3 of methods and data used in GHG inventories and a survey to identify user needs of LULUCF experts. Information about the project and its activities are regularly disseminated on HoliSoils channels and initial contacts have been made with other EU-funded and soil-related projects. The consortium has identified networks and events as potential channels for dissemination, with several partners presenting HoliSoils project at national and international meetings.

WP 8 ensure effective project coordination and administration. The project coordinator and all WP leaders form a steering committee, attending bimonthly online meeting to monitor progress of the work packages, deliverables and milestones, as well as ethical issues, risk assessment and innovations/exploitable results. The General Assembly, consisting of one representative from each partner, assembled twice during the reporting period. The meetings of the Stakeholder and End-user Advisory Board (SEAB) and the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) took place online.
Over the course of the project, HoliSoils is building a comprehensive toolkit.

Expected results of HoliSoils are
- Toolbox of analytical techniques
- Harmonised soil modelling
- Network of test sites on climate-smart forest management practices for soils
- Climate-smart soil and forest management strategies
- Soil resilience and recovery capacity
- Forward looking assessment of climate-smart forest management strategies
- Training and capacity building
- Multi-actor approach

The toolkit will improve and adapt existing tools and methodologies, creating new ones where appropriate. These are informed by the HoliSoils test sites across Europe, which allow the various new methods and protocols to be tested in different climates and environments. Training and capacity building for key stakeholders will enable a better understanding of how modelling and data can be used to support better policies and management practices for forest soils.
HoliSoils researcher adjusting the pH of the buffer for amino sugar analyses in the laboratory.
HoliSoils team prepared to measure GHG fluxes on peatland study site. Photo Sarah Adams.