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Producing advanced bio-based fertilizers from fisheries wastes

Descripción del proyecto

Subproductos de pesca y acuicultura para unos suelos más sanos

¡Buenas noticias para los agricultores y los ecologistas! Los fertilizantes biológicos (FB) pueden disminuir la contaminación del suelo y las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Además, pueden obtenerse de la recuperación de nutrientes de subproductos procedentes del procesamiento del pescado y la acuicultura. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos SEA2LAND, basado en el modelo de economía circular, fomentará la producción de fertilizantes a gran escala en la Unión Europea a partir de materias primas propias. Se espera que esta solución reduzca el desequilibrio de nutrientes en el suelo de Europa. Para probarla, el proyecto producirá varios FB para condiciones y cultivos locales, así como otros para su exportación (con un valor y una efectividad elevados a fin de garantizar un impacto medioambiental bajo). En última instancia, los FB sustituirán parcialmente los nutrientes importados para la agricultura en Europa.


SEA2LAND aims to provide solutions to help overcome challenges related to food production, climate change and waste reuse. The SEA2LAND project will meet this challenge by improving and adapting technologies for nutrient recovery to produce biobased fertilizers (BBFs) from fish processing and aquaculture byproducts. It will promote the production of large-scale fertilizers in the EU from own raw materials, based on the circular economy model, transforming by-products into nutrients for crops. SEA2LAND will contribute to the independence and security in the supply of nutrients to European agriculture, reducing the nutrient imbalance in Europe. The basis of the project is the regional production of BBFs developing demonstration pilots that can be replicated throughout Europe, boosting local growth. The project proposes the implementation of 9 technologies in 7 cases in 6 areas representative of the fisheries sector (North, Baltic, Atlantic, Cantabric, Mediterranean, Adriatic Sea). The proposed technologies range from well-known processes (bokashi, composting, etc.) that can be a solution in some areas due to its low cost and simplicity to others more sophisticated that go from thermo-mechanical fractionation to enzymatic hydrolysis. The technologies will be applied to different by-products (typical in each implementation area), and they will produce several BBFs either for local crops and conditions, and others for exporting (with high value and effectiveness to assure a low impact).
BBFs will be characterized to ensure compliance with EU regulations, including those related to organic farming. Besides, the effects on soil biodiversity, environmental sustainability and the impact on social parameters and local economy will be studied and business plans will be defined. Finally BBFs from by-products will serve to partially replace imported nutrients for agriculture in Europe, contributing to reduce the negative environmental effects of the misuse of by-products.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

IA - Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 614 293,75
48160 Vizcaya

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Noreste País Vasco Gipuzkoa
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 877 562,50

Participantes (26)