CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Collaborative Agri-food Chains: Driving Innovation in Territorial Food Systems and Improving Outcomes for Producers and Consumers


Guidelines and Methodology for Case Study Selection and Analysis

The guidelines will include the selection criteria for case studies eg data availability diversity of territorial conditions product sectors and types of produce etc guidance on structure and format for presenting selected case studies with the aim to enable comparison as well as a methodology for analysing case studies to generate insights based on spotlights eg costs and margins smart innovation education and information public procurement etc

Summary of International Knowledge Exchange

The international exchange will convene all the case studies affiliated third parties plus consortium members 65 participants at a 2 day event to take stock of project progress The associated report will provide an overview of key activities organised eg validation of spotlight analysis peertopeer coaching mentoring and networking Consultation Panel facilitation methods used to maximise interaction mutual learning and strengthened collaboration among participants number and background of participants evaluation and key outcomes and photo gallery and any other visual representation of the exchange

Roadmap on Improving farmers position through collaborative agri-food chains

This document will harvest collective thinking on strategic ways to improving farmers position through collaborative agri-food chains from the perspective of the COACH consortium and high profile participants (e.g. IPES Food, SCAR AKIS WG, EIP Agri Focus Group, etc.) invited to a Europe-wide event held at the end of the project. The document will reflect on the project findings and will identify gaps and ideas (i.e. roadmap) for future joint action.

Spotlight Analysis Report

Drawing from the case studies seven themes or spotlights costs and margins smart innovation education and information public procurement legal obstacles increasing access innovative governance will be developed that illustrate innovative aspects of collaborative agrifood chains in territorial food systems The 32 emblematic case studies will be chosen carefully to ensure that at least 35 case studies provide material for each spotlight

Patrice Abstracts x 5 (M18)

5 EIPAGRI Practice Briefs completed by M18

Practice Abstracts x 15 (M36)

15 x Practice Abstracts completed by M36

Working Paper on conceptual and methodological framework

The framework will include 1 a conceptualisation of the building blocks of territorial food systems with a focus on collaborative short food supply chains SFSCs sustainable public food procurement SPFP and civic networks 2 an overview of the blended learning approach adopted by COACH in order to promote active learning horizontal peertopeer exchange and guidance as to how this approach should inform the planning and design of multiactor dialogues training events tools and CLIP 3 a guide to the GROW approach to coaching which will be used to support consortium members engaged in coaching in Task 35

Report on outcomes of Policy Engagement Activities at EU level

The report will provide an overview of outcomes of policy engagement at the EU level within different EU policy spaces - also in the context of the Farm-to-Fork Strategy - in the European Commission (DG AGRI, DG ENVI, DG Sante), the relevant committees in the EU Parliament (COM AGRI), or the European Economic and Social Forum, as well as the Committee of Regions. It will also include a special section on farm-to-fork procurement and outcomes of Breakfasts@Sustainability’s (B@S) events in Brussels

Report on coaching outcomes

This report will provide an overview of the outcomes and results of both online and offline coaching and mentoring activities, including peer-to-peer and the involvement of experts specialised on a range of spotlights (e.g. costs and margins, public procurement, smart innovations, branding and consumer-led opportunities, etc). It will also provide information on number of online coaching hours, themes addressed, number of participants and initiatives taking up coaching and mentoring, etc

Report on costs and margins from the Case Studies

The final report will contain the analysis of the selected casestudies and highlight best practices and critical insights for providing a fairer distribution of added value to farmers participating in collaborative agrifood chains A section of the report will focus on consumers costs and benefits as well as environmental aspects

Summary of Consumer Education and Information Events

This report will cover at least 3 awareness raising events (e.g. Festivals, citizens’ juries, peoples’ assemblies etc. ), illustrated on CLIP as short blog posts with a photo gallery.

Summary of outcomes of Training Events

The report will cover information on themes covered, learning approaches used, trainer and participant backgrounds, number of participants, evaluation and key outcomes of seven training events (3 European, 4 national) drawing primarily from the Living Library case studies and the ‘spotlights’ analysis.

Summary of outcomes of Multi-Actor Dialogues

The summary of multiactor dialogues will highlight key outcomes eg exchange of knowledge on good practices and barriers encountered new collaborations emerging between different actors policy recommendations on adopting and implementing farmtofork public procurement 2 cityregion dialogues and 1 European dialogue as well as on advancing collaborative territorial food systems across Europe 8 dialogues

CLIP platform launch

The CLIP platform will host information about the project news items publications videos infographics etc It will host the Living Library a mentors directory elearning materials and howto guides and audiovideo materials There will be a project partner area for sharing internal documents and updates There will also be a common room where case study representatives and consortium members can discuss chat upload materials and create wikis There will be different portals for different actors eg producers contracting authorities educators communities local government

Training materials on Consumer-Driven Opportunities in Innovative Food Supply Chains and Smart Innovation

The training materials will be made available on CLIP in a multi-media format, for example, videos of TED style talks, short animations, fact sheets and visual guides, on themes such as economies of scale, smarter distribution models, how to use reduced environmental footprints as a selling point and demonstrating how all of these can help to improve farmers’ incomes.

Publications (policy briefs and scientific papers)

The publications will include five COACH policy briefs (1 policy brief on farm-to-fork public procurement – for European policy-makers; 1 policy brief on farm-to-fork public procurement – for local governments; 1 policy brief on costs and margins for organisations supporting farmers; and 2 others on emergent topics. Further, they will include three scientific papers (1 each led by CU, UOF and ESSRG) and ten academic conference talks. Additional publications will be produced addressing practitioners in the field of collaborative agri-food chains.

Short films on ‘spotlight' topics (x5)

5 short 34 min films will be produced on a selection of the spotlights eg costs and margins smart innovation education and information public procurement legal obstacles increasing access innovative governance

Project Website

The project website will aggregate and communicate all of the project’s results and outcomes.

‘Farm-to-fork' Public Procurement Toolkit

‘Farm-to-fork’ Public Procurement ToolkitThe toolkit hosted on CLIP will include:•Procurement criteria for Farm-to-fork procurement in line with the objectives of this project (healthy, sustainable food, from small suppliers/farmers, affordable)•Tender model on sustainable food procurement 2.0 •Good practice examples from across Europe: at least 5 concrete examples of public procurement from smaller suppliers, including costs and benefits for all parties involved (i.e. producers, contractors, end consumers such as patients in hospitals, children in schools or prisoners).•Spotlight factsheet •Guidelines on policy recommendations •Local government vision on Farm 2 Fork procurement: a short hand-out with practical input from cities on possible ways from vision to action. The input would mainly come from the city-region multi-actor dialogues, together with input from cities attending other project events, including associate partners, replication cities etc. •a legal checklist on Farm 2 Fork procurement in compliance with EU procurement legislation (Do’s & Dont’s)•An animated video (1-2 min) on Farm 2 Fork procurement. Although many cities have made good strides forward with sustainable food procurement, there are still many procurement officials who are unaware of how they can help move food procurement forward in the direction of sustainability, particularly with regards to engaging with the regional market in a legally compliant way. This short animation will be aimed primarily at procurement officials to explain the benefits of procuring food from their territorial food systems, and provide some examples of how this can be achieved. It will also direct viewers to the procurement toolkit.•FAQs

CLIP learning module on costs and margins

This module will contain a guidance tool on costs and margins documenting (i) how costs and margins differ across the analysed collaborative agri-food chains analyzed and for each link of the supply chains, (ii) what are the major determinants of costs and margins differentials, (iii) to what extent a fairer distribution of added value is achievable, (iv) how costs can be reduced and how fairer distribution of added value can be achieved (focusing on some key themes such as rebalancing, innovative governance, smart innovation). Furthermore, the guidance tool will provide qualitative insights about the link between costs and margins and non-monetary impacts (e.g. ecological footprint, etc.).It will also include a webapp on the financial sustainability of Community Supported Agriculture Schemes.

Case studies descriptions uploaded on CLIP ‘Living Library'

COACH case studies will be presented based on a shared format for ease of comparison with use of visual materials to enhance presentation and accessibility The case study descriptions will contain the following features Overview of agroecological and socioeconomic context Description of agrifood chain structure Actor mapping Description of business models Graphic representation of innovation types ie grassroots social organizational technical Data on social and environmental impacts using indicators Insights on governance structure

Project identity and promotional materials

This package will include a project logo and graphical identity (fonts, design templates, colour palette, etc.), an initial overview brochure and poster to raise awareness of COACH at conferences and events and a final leaflet to summarise main project outcomes and point readers to resources and the legacy website.


Food justice in community supported agriculture – differentiating charitable and emancipatory social support actions

Autoren: Parot, J., Wahlen, S., Schryro, J. Weckenbrock, P
Veröffentlicht in: Agriculture and Human Values, Ausgabe September 2023, 2023, ISSN 1572-8366
Herausgeber: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s10460-023-10511-w

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