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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

DYNAmic spectrum sharing and bandwidth-efficient techniques for high-throughput MIMO SATellite systems

Descripción del proyecto

Novedosas metodologías de ancho de banda eficiente para los sistemas de satélites

El internet de las cosas y la 5G desempeñan un papel cada vez más importante en la sociedad actual, por lo que muchas personas tratan de mejorar su uso y utilizarlos de la forma más eficiente posible. Teniendo esto en cuenta, el proyecto financiado con fondos europeos DYNASAT investigará y desarrollará muchas nuevas metodologías de transmisión con un ancho de banda eficiente que van a utilizar las infraestructuras avanzadas de acceso a satélites base en órbita no geoestacionaria, capaces de dar servicio a usuarios y equipos de 5G profesionales y del gran mercado. A medida que aumente la demanda de tráfico, ampliarán aún más el proyecto utilizando sistemas de múltiple entrada y múltiple salida, acceso dinámico al espectro, reutilización de frecuencias, grupos de usuarios, multipunto coordinado y mitigación de interferencias. Con estas soluciones, DYNASAT está orientado a apoyar a Europa para que mantenga su posición de liderazgo en soluciones satelitales para la 5G.


The DYNASAT project aims at investigating, developing, and demonstrating bandwidth-efficient transmission techniques for an advance NGSO based satellite access infrastructure servicing mass-market and professional 5G user equipment (e.g. handset) in unserved or underserved areas.

The project will leverage the on-going effort on the definition at 3GPP (release 17) of the necessary features that will make 5G user devices and NG-RAN support satellite operations and on the development of an ambitious constellations to meet service requirements of mobile network operators requirements as well as of vertical stakeholders such as public safety and transportation sectors.

As the traffic demand keeps increasing, this project will timely develop selected bandwidth-efficient transmission techniques such as MIMO and dynamic spectrum access, frequency reuse, user clustering, CoMP and interference mitigation that will allow to scale the network infrastructure capacity and allow that it shares spectrum with cellular networks. Exploiting the research results, the consortium will contribute to 3GPP release 18 by promoting and then defining new features in the 5G standard.

The performance gain associated with the use of these techniques will be demonstrated at MWC 2022 and 2023. Moreover, the findings associated with the spectrum sharing techniques will be used to prepare the ITU WRC2023.

The project gathers partners with complementary expertise in the different bandwidth-efficient techniques, satellite communications and a proven successful record of impact in 3GPP where 5G is defined. It also involves in an advisory board prominent Mobile network and satellite operators as well as cellular stakeholders.

This project will enable Europe to maintain its leadership in future satellite solutions for 5G and address one of the key challenges of 5G which is to provide coverage in rural areas.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 433 408,75
40126 Bologna

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Nord-Est Emilia-Romagna Bologna
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 433 408,75

Participantes (5)