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CORDIS - EU research results



Reporting period: 2020-12-01 to 2022-05-31

ESRIUM is a multi-national project with the common goal to increase the safety and resource efficiency of mobility on the road. The key innovation will be formed by a homogeneous, accurate, and recent digital map of road surface damage and road wear. Further addressed as “road wear map”, it will contain unique information, which is of value to multiple stakeholders: road operators will be able to lower the road maintenance effort through optimal planning. Further, road operators will be able to lower road wear and increase traffic safety, especially for heavy vehicles: considering the market introduction of partly automated truck fleets and platoons, the precise track of these vehicles can be adjusted by communicating precise routing recommendations in- and cross-lane. Truck fleet operators following these recommendations can receive tolling benefits, and increase the general safety of their vehicle fleet. Especially with the increasing levels of autonomy, systems will utilize infrastructure support to handle the requirements of the automated driving task and additional external requests. In ESRIUM, these opportunities are addressed by utilizing C-ITS infrastructure and EGNSS-based localization in planning the trajectories of such automated vehicles.

Key to the ESRIUM innovation is a precision localization service, which provides reliable locations of road damages and of the vehicles using the roads. Considering a European-level business case, only Galileo may provide such a service with homogeneous quality, even at very remote locations on the European continent.

In the following, we give a detailed overview of ESRIUM’s objectives, technical challenges, and business potential:
• The main ESRIUM impact on resource-efficient, climate, and environmentally friendly transport that will be also safe and seamless for the benefit of all citizens, the economy, and society is to optimize maintenance intervals without making compromises on infrastructure integrity.
• Due to better information for truck drivers on road conditions and complying with the road operators’ recommendations, the risk of accidents will be decreased.

Furthermore, the option of decreasing tolling costs when complying with the infrastructure recommendations would also lead to a positive commercial impact. In general, concessionary model’s assets may control a greener targeting carbon-free footprint by using the road in a more efficient way. E.g. ESRIUMS’ approach is to assure a more equal degradation of the road surface. The gradual insertion of different levels of automated vehicles on the roads will substantially improve mobility solutions for a major part of our population, such as the elderly, young (without a driving license) and mobility impaired people. Thus relieving their families and/or friends from the burden of transporting them on the one hand, and making them more social inclusive on the other hand. Just for the sake of simplicity, we will focus on the elderly people. The world’s population is ageing which will become one of the most significant social transformations of the 21st century, with implications for nearly all sectors of society, including transportation. Between 2015 and 2030, the number of people in the world aged 60 years or over is projected to grow by 56%, from 901 million to 1.4 billion, and by 2050, the global population of older persons is projected to more than double its size in 2015, reaching nearly 2.1 billion [UN 2015].

The overall objective of ESRIUM is to set up a service to foster greener and smarter road usage, road maintenance, and to increase road safety. ESRIUM’s core proposition is a data platform, which hosts highly detailed EGNSS-referenced map data of road damage and associated safety risks at centimeter-level resolution. It holds information on damage location, damage type, recent repair efforts and the temporal evolution of specific damages. Depending on environmental conditions and the level of traffic running over the damage, the time to a specific level of criticality is predicted and provided to road maintenance. The activities within this project will yield a business-case based on the ESRIUM services.
A public webpage has been set up for the project by the WP6 leader ENI. This website contains general information on the project, information on the public deliverables and links to the social media accounts for the project so that the public can follow our progress
Within this first period of the project (December 2020 – May 2022) many of these are only the basic outlines, as no details will be revealed until we have a clearer picture on the Intellectual Property generated from the project; thus, reducing the chances of accidental dissemination jeopardising potential patents and exploitation routes.
17 deliverable documents have been produced in the first period and 10 project milestones have been met.

Milestones of the first period:
• MS1 Project management documents ready in version 1
• MS2 Communication strategy established and initial communication kit available
• MS3 Use case definition
• MS4 Results of the state-of-the art and literature survey about EGNSS location
• MS5 Technical, non-technical user requirements and system interface design ready for handed over to WP3
• MS6 Sensor system operational
• MS7 KPIs and scenarios defined
• MS8 Sensing vehicles ready
• MS9 EGNSS authentication implementation
• MS10 Successful mid-term review
• MS11 Intermediate business and exploitation approach defined

Key results from the first period:
• The ESRIUM concept has been defined
• Alpha prototypes were produced
• Infrastructure for data collection, storage, analysis and sharing has been established and is used by partners from different disciplines to facilitate trans-disciplinary research.
• First test data from testing ground in FI
• Implementation of a first version of the ESRIUM Sensor System
• Ground-Truth Dataset collectes in Finland and Austria
• The core of the OSNMA service in the receiver side is implemented
• A first workshop was held to present the idea of ESRIUM and its first outcomes
Already achieved objectives of ESRIUM are to...
• Create a highly detailed EGNSS-referenced “wear map”
• Create a novel mid-priced sensor system for detecting road damage
• Broadcast precision routing recommendations
• Broadcast potentially dangerous locations

Objectives of the second period of ESRIUM are to...
• Implement EGNSS- localization system, which provides accurate, authenticated position information in real-time and at low cost
• Provide road damage state and evolution to the customer
• Develop a business-case based on the ESRIUM services
• Demonstrate smart automated routing based on broadcasted information

Developments of the novel Road Usage Optimization and Infrastructure-Assisted Trajectory Planners are the subject of papers already submitted and currently in progress and will be further examples of the state of the art developments driven by the ESRIUM project. The sensor platform was already shown at a trade fair and will be the exhibition object for further demonstrations in 2022.

The development of the prototypes is ongoing and will demonstrate the technology to the stakeholders of relevant communities in the second perido of the project (June 2022 - November 2023).
Simplified schematic of the ESRIUM business chain, depicting the data flow and cash flow
Use Case 2 - Routing Recommendations within and between lanes based on the road wear map
Use Case 3 - C-ITS Message ‘GNSS-correction data’ provision
Use Case 1 - AI-based road damage prediction to support enhanced road maintenance planning
Use Case 4 - Wear-map content provision