Project description
Developing skilled scientists
The EU-funded SKIES project aims to provide for PhD and 1st-year postdoctoral researchers in the field of astronomy with a new set of skills integrating open science, innovation and entrepreneurship. With this, they will be gaining substantial experience equipping them for a career to fulfil their potential and to contribute to society and economy. A 'Train the Trainer' programme will build the capacity of the teaching staff so that they have the training and tools to continue the programme beyond the life of the project. Online training will be made available to support the partner and other organisations interested in running similar courses.
Through the SKIES project, the consortium partners will provide PhD and 1st year postdoctoral researchers in the field of astronomy with a new set of skills integrating open science, innovation and entrepreneurship, thereby equipping them for a career that allows them to fulfill their potential and contribute to society and economy. A Train the Trainer programme builds the capacity of the teaching staff, so that they have the training and tools to continue the programme beyond the life of the project. Online training will be made available to support the partner as well as other organisations interested to run similar courses.
Funding Scheme
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinator
2311 EZ Leiden