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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Collaborative Engagement on Societal Issues


VERA widget

Delivery of the VERA widget and integration into

MemoRekall capsule

A capsule is a multimedia output It will allow the documentation of the collaboration between the dancer and philosopher involved in Pilot 2

Matching Interface design

Delivery of the VERA Matching Interface.

UE/UI Design

Delivery of the VERA User Interface and User Experience studies

VERA core design and development

Delivery of the alpha M12 and beta M24 version of the VERA core

Funding tool integration

A funding tool will be integrated into VERA allowing to search for existing funding schemes and calls for Citizen Science projects in the SSH

VERA dashboard

Delivery of the VERA dashboard connector

Delivery of the VERA integration with

Collaboration tools and services integration

Delivery of the VERA connect layer and integration of the selected tools into VERA.

DMP and updates

Data Management Plan and its updates. First version will be delivered on M6, update will be delivered on M12

Paper on gender issues related to desire and body awareness

Scientific report on results and findings related to gender issues merged from Pilot 2 activities

Report on SSH contribution to Citizen Science

Taking stock from the pilots' experiences, a report will be built on the specific issues related to the practice of citizen science from an SSH perspective, as a contribution to EU policies on Citizen Science

Open Call texts and rules

Open Call texts and rules Report will deliver all the documents needed for the call to new pilots procedure

Landscape study on Citizen Science funding

A report benchmarking on existing funding schemes will be delivered

Report on test and final development of the Cooperation Analytics

Final report providing both the data collected project by project and the lessons to be learned the indicators to be retained an analysis of the learning process at work in Citizen Science A reference library on open source cooperation analytics interoperable to varying degrees for other platforms Protocols code and documentation for cooperation analytics

Report on the technical and legal framework for sharing confidential data

Report on findings about the technical and legal framework needed for sharing confidential data in compliance with EU relevant rules taking stock from the Pilot 4 activities and experience

Communication and Dissemination Strategy

Development of the projects communication and dissemination strategy tailored to the projects target audiences including a table listing the information title date location content on significant events conferences seminars workshops which will be organised by the project with regular updates

Report on Dissemination Activities

Final report highlighting the impact and the achievements of the dissemination activities that have taken place during the project implementation


The Dissemination and Exploitation Plan will be delivered M6. An update version will be delivered by M30.

3 Funding Advocacy Action Plan

The advocacy action plan will among others include possible answers to ethical and practical considerations for data sharing and it will also look at ways of risk mitigation for Citizen Science funders

Report on the activities of WP6

Report of the activities of WP6 will notably include archive and outcomes of the Mutual Learning Exercises

Report on activism and science within Citizen Science

Report on the orders of worth of Citizen Science including: overview of the trends in discourses for each pilot, list of key words and expressions that signal the different orders of worth, local portraits of specific controversies and of their eventual resolution, comparison between the framing of collaboration in the funding programmes and the way it is tackled in the applications and then in their implementation; confrontation with the cooperation analytics to detect patterns of online behaviour.

Report on accessibility to sensitive and privately-owned databases

Report on findings about accessibility to sensitive and privatelyowned databases taking stock from the Pilot 4 activities and experience

Policy Brief 1

The Policy Brief Reports will be adressed to the EC in order to provide inputs and suggestions in policy implementation

Lisbon Tourism Observatory Final Report

"Final Reporting on the Pilot 1 (""Lisbon Tourism Observatory"") activities and results"

Policy Brief 2

The Policy Brief Reports will be adressed to the EC in order to provide inputs and suggestions in policy implementation

Articles series

At least 2 articles focusing on the project results.

Podcasts series

At least 3 podcasts focusing on the project results and aims

Transmedia website on the LTO engagement in the urban space

Result of the experimentation o novel mixed-media forms of scientific writing, exposing findings from the mediatized observation of Pilot 1

Dissemination Materials

Dissemination material will be produced following the project visual identity

"""Writing Across Borders"" outputs"

“Writing Across Borders” outputs will include Letter’s transcriptions issued from Pilot 5 activities

Solution journalism outputs

Outputs from Pilot 3 will include articles videos and infographic produced through a Solution Journalism perspective

Pilots' blogs

Each COESO pilots will have at its disposal a Hypothesesorg blog as an instrument of internal communication and external dissemination of its work First five pilots blogs will be delivered by M12 and the next five by M24

Cooperation analytics: criteria grid and development

Cooperation analytics criteria grid and development will include conceptual criteria grid calculation and weighting methods protocol for recovering computer traces of activity

Choreographic score

A choreographic partition written with Laban choreographic language in order to register archiving and sharing the choreography produced within Pilot 2


Citizen Science with and within the Social Sciences and the Humanities. Guest editors’ preface

Autoren: Smaniotto, Alessia, et Antonella Passani
Veröffentlicht in: Etica & Politica/Ethics & Politics, 2023, ISSN 1825-5167
Herausgeber: University of Trieste, Department of Philosophy

Implementing a Senior Community Care Model: An ItalianTop‐Down Cohousing Project and Nursing Home

Autoren: Isabella Riccò , Claudia María Anleu‐Hernández , and Adele De Stefani
Veröffentlicht in: Social Inclusion, Ausgabe volume 12, article 7404, 2024, ISSN 2183-2803
Herausgeber: Cogitatio Press
DOI: 10.17645/si.7404

Notes de Recerca: AGORAge. Arxiu d’Etnografia de Catalunya

Autoren: Isabella Riccò, Adele de Stefani, Claudia María Anleu Hernández
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiu d Etnografia de Catalunya, Ausgabe 24, 2022, Seite(n) 238-242, ISSN 0212-0372
Herausgeber: Arxiu d Etnografia de Catalunya
DOI: 10.17345/aec24.232-241

From Lisbon to the planet: environmental scales in tourism practices shaping the city (talk by Elisa Lopes da Sliva)Landscape study on funding schemes for Social Sciences and the Humanities’ Citizen Science activities and Funding Advocacy Plan (poster presented by Alica Moreno)

Autoren: (talk) Elisa Lopes da Silva, Susana Fonseca, Frédéric Vidal (poster) Maite Pelacho, Francisco Sanz-García, *Alicia Moreno, Daniel Lisbona, Elisabeth Ernst, Claire Murray, Léa Morabito, Alessia Smaniotto, Kelly Achenbach
Veröffentlicht in: 2022
Herausgeber: self

Designing an infrastructural service to bridging the open science ecosystem and society: The examples of the COESO project and the VERA hub (talk)andOn the field with social science and humanities participatory research: Some examples of community engagement from the COESO project (poster)

Autoren: Alessia Smaniotto (School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences and OPERAS) and Kelly Achenbach (Max Weber Stiftung -Deutsche Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute im Ausland)
Veröffentlicht in: 2023
Herausgeber: Septentrio
DOI: 10.7557/scs.2023.1

"Creating a digital ""collaboratory"" for participatory research in interdisciplinary projects"

Autoren: Achenbach, Kelly; Smaniotto, Alessia
Veröffentlicht in: 2022
Herausgeber: Self
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6822058

AGORAge: Toolkit per una comunità che si prende cura

Autoren: Riccò, Isabella; De Stefani, Adele; Anzil, Verónica; Anleu-Hernández, Claudia; Bodoque-Puerta, Yolanda; Campanera, Mireia
Veröffentlicht in: 2023
Herausgeber: Self
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10196401

Workshop zur Förderung von Citizen Science

Autoren: Saar, Larissa; Piel, Pattrick; Murray, Claire
Veröffentlicht in: 2022
Herausgeber: Self
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6562815

Developing a Collaboratory for Diverse SSH Citizen Science Stakeholders - the VERA Design

Autoren: Lombardo, Tiziana
Veröffentlicht in: 2023
Herausgeber: Self
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7704901

AGORAge: Caring community toolkit

Autoren: Riccò, I., De Stefani, A., Anzil, V., Anleu-Hernández, C., Bodoque-Puerta, Y., & Campanera, M.
Veröffentlicht in: 2023
Herausgeber: Self
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8119964

From open access to citizen science: opening participation within the SSH disciplines through the PLACES and COESO projects

Autoren: Smaniotto, Alessia; Ernst, Elisabeth
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: Self
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5529759

Open digital infrastructures for bridging professional cultures: the case of extreme citizen science between journalism and research

Autoren: Jonathan Chibois and Alessia Smaniotto
Veröffentlicht in: Open Research Europe, 2023
Herausgeber: Open Research Europe
DOI: 10.12688/openreseurope.15262.1

" AGORAge: Outils de création de communautés du ""pendre soin"" "

Autoren: Riccò, Isabella; De Stefani, Adele; Anzil, Verónica; Anleu-Hernández, Claudia; Bodoque-Puerta, Yolanda; Campanera, Mireia
Veröffentlicht in: 2023
Herausgeber: Self
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10198426

COESO Community Chat: Getting money and momentum for social sciences and humanities in citizen science

Autoren: Achenbach, Kelly
Veröffentlicht in: 2023
Herausgeber: Self
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7544200

AGORAge: Eines per una comunitat cuidadora

Autoren: Riccò, Isabella; De Stefani, Adele; Anzil, Verónica; Anleu-Hernández, Claudia; Bodoque-Puerta, Yolanda; Campanera, Mireia
Veröffentlicht in: 2023
Herausgeber: Self
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10197068

Monographica. Citizen Science with and within the Social Sciences and the Humanities »

Autoren: Smaniotto, Alessia, et Antonella Passani
Veröffentlicht in: Monographica. Citizen Science with and within the Social Sciences and the Humanities », Ausgabe XXV, no 2, 2023, ISSN 1825-5167
Herausgeber: Edizioni Università di Trieste

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