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Responsible Open Science in Europe

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ROSiE (Responsible Open Science in Europe)

Período documentado: 2021-03-01 hasta 2022-08-31

Open Science (OS) is characterized by a degree of transparency that makes it easier for the general public to engage with science on a global scale and to receive its findings in a democratic manner. The innovative nature of OS, however, is a two edged sword: it also raises the prospect of fraud and unethical activity. For instance, there have been reports of data being used to undermine legitimate research, such as the anti-climate change organizations, with the goal of creating false science to make unfavorable results go away.  Concerns have also been raised about the possibility of mob rule and harassment as a result of the public's growing desire for researchers to interact with them and for science to be "more involved" in society. Accordingly, the intentions of the people requesting research data, the competence of those who request data, and the cherry-picking of research conclusions to suit an agenda are challenges that arise as a result of OS.

ROSiE believes that only ethical research can have a positive impact on society. This vision is given a new perspective by the opening of scientific procedures, including planning, designing, executing, communicating, and validating research.  Hence ROSiE aims to foster research ethics and research integrity (RE/RI) in an OS environment. The main goal of ROSIE is to prepare Europe for responsible OS, specifically by addressing OS's RE/RI, legal, and social challenges. On this foundation, ROSIE works with the Commission to build RE/RI guidance and tools for OS as well as an OS RE/RI community of practice. By doing so, ROSiE will make it easier for RE and RI to become essential parts of OS in Europe.
WP1 focused on exploring the many foundational theoretical issues of OS, including a report on the relationship between RI, the wider RE perspective and OS (D1.1) framework for addressing the epistemic-ethical challenges with knowledge production (D1.2) that feeds into D1.3 and a midway workshop (MS8).

WP2 aims at the social and legal implications and challenges related to OS in the context of RE/RI. A focus group has been conducted (MS9) while Report on social and legal implications and challenges related to OS (D2.4) and Mapping of the most used research data repositories and their organizational set up (MS5), have been delayed from M18-M28 and M24-M28 respectively.

The specific aim of WP3 is to collaborate with different stakeholders to identify, analyze and address gaps in ethics and integrity related aspects of OS. The deliverables and milestone include Report on a strategy to engage stakeholders (D3.1) Report on interviews (D3.3) Report on a strategy to engage stakeholders (D3.4) Report on focus groups 1 and 2 (MS11) and Report on focus group 3 (MS13).

WP4 main goal is to incorporate the publicly available results and knowledge of relevant EU funded networks and research projects into the work of the ROSIE project and there are no deliverables due within the reporting schedule.

WP5 has a clear policy-oriented focus, aiming at providing strategic policy paper, operational guidelines and complementing the European Code of Conduct (ECoC) and it produced and submitted its first Deliverable on Report on existing policies and guidelines (D5.1) and a milestone on co-creational workshop in Vienna (MS14)

WP6 is to provide all OS actors with customized solutions proposed through the ROSiE knowledge hub, and among the deliverable submitted are: Preliminary analysis and mapping of existing European and national Open Science infrastructures regarding promoting responsible Open Science (D6.1); A report on the compared potentialities of existing technologies to safeguard responsible OS (D6.3) and a workshop on representative OS platforms (MS4). D6.2 on Final analysis and mapping of existing European and national OS infrastructures with regard to promoting responsible OS is delayed and amendments have been requested.

WP7 focuses on training materials for promoting responsible practice for OS, and its deliverables and milestones are: Didactic framework, including learning outcomes and indicators for their achievement (D7.1) Workshop for development of didactic framework (MS3), List of ELSI topics covered by training materials (MS6), List of skills required for responsible practicing of OS (MS7), and First draft of training materials (MS12).

WP8s objective is to raise awareness of the project, convey its results to the relevant target groups, and facilitate end-user uptake, and its deliverables and milestones are Report on the Dissemination and Communication Plan (D8.1) ROSiE branding: logo, website, and social media presence (D8.2) Release of the 1st Promotional video (D8.3) Information on significant events (D8.5) Short policy brief (D8.6) and ROSiE website launched and social media presence activated (MS2).

The goal of WP9 is to ensure efficient management of the ROSiE project and aim to provide legal, financial, management and coordination services to the consortium to safe-guard compliance within its requirements. Its deliverables and milestones are Data management plan (D9.1) Risk management plan (D9,2), Quality management plan (D9.3) IP/knowledge management plan (D9.4) Innovation Management Plan (D9.5) Consortium Agreement (MS1), and plans for progress, communication and dissemination and management of data, quality, risk, innovation, and IP knowledge (MS15)

WP10 main deliverable is Ethics requirement- informed consent and data protection was submitted January 31,2022 (D10.1).
To ensure maximum impact, the ROSiE project intends to not only sufficiently accomplish all its deliverables but to do much more, including the following:

1) Though a few/some of the scientific outputs of ROSiE have been/will be published as journal articles, ROSiE will publish an open-access e-book where several outputs will form the chapters.

2) Aside from the expected course materials, pilot trainings for the course materials are already taking place until February 2023. This will lead to improved training materials but also, and beyond what was promised, possibly the creation of a MOOC course. The project leader is in cooperation with LINK: Center for Learning and Education, at the University of Oslo to explore this possibility and develop a MOOC ideally suitable for different audiences/stakeholders.

3) To further enrich the project but also to expand its reach beyond Europe, a seminar entitled, "Integrity and International Collaboration in an Open Science Environment" will be organized on January 27, 2023 by the UiO that includes speakers not only from Europe but from Asia and Africa as well.

4) Two new PhD fellows -- one from Ethiopia and the other from India -- will work on the issue of Open Science and low and middle income countries in the UiO. These two fellows are funded by the UiO.

5) To allow for greater sustainability and extended use of the ROSiE Knowledge Hub, efforts are underway to cooperate with organizations such as the Guild of European Universities, though it is quite early to predict the results of these efforts.

6) Lastly, since ROSiE partners are also partners to new and successful Horizon projects, the direct fertilization of the newer projects by ROSiE is to be expected. These new projects include the following: XR4Human, BEYOND, iRECS, and POIESIS.

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