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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Materials for Quantum Computing

Descripción del proyecto

Una cadena de valor europea para cúbits y ordenadores cuánticos

Los ordenadores han permitido obtener y predecir información novedosa a partir de enormes cantidades de datos gracias a su capacidad para ejecutar, en unas pocas horas y con una precisión increíble, cálculos que una persona tardaría años en hacer. A medida que los conjuntos de datos se vuelven exponencialmente más grandes y complejos, y que las aplicaciones exigen un procesamiento cada vez más rápido y seguro, la informática digital convencional no puede seguir el ritmo. La computación cuántica basada en cúbits superconductores podría ser la clave de nuestro futuro informático. El objetivo del proyecto MATQu, financiado con fondos europeos, es validar opciones tecnológicas para producir uniones superconductoras de Josephson que aprovechan los flujos de procesos industriales basados​en el silicio. Este trabajo sentará las bases para el liderazgo y la independencia europeos en esta aplicación estratégica en materia socioeconómica.


Over the past 60+ years CMOS-based digital computing has giving rise to ever-greater computational performance, „big data“-based business models and the accelerating digital transformation of modern economies. However, the ever-growing amounts of data to be handled and the increasing complexity of today’s tasks for high performance computing (HPC) are becoming unmanageable as the data handling and energy consumption of HPCs, server farms and cloud services grow to unsustainable levels. New concepts and technologies are needed. One such HPC technology is Quantum computing (QC). QC utilizes so-called quantum bits (qubits) to perform complex calculations fundamentally much faster than a conventional digital-bit computers can. First quantum computer prototypes have been created. Superconducting Josephson junctions (SJJs) have been shown to be extremely promising qubit candidates to achieve a significant nonlinear increase of computational power with the number of qubits. For novel materials there is a great challenge yet opportunity in Europe to create a complete value chain for SSJs and QCs. Such a complete value chain will contribute to Europe’s technology sovereignty. The MATQu project aims at validating the technology options to produce SJJs on industrial 300 mm silicon-based process flows. It covers substrate technology, superconducting metals, resonators, through-wafer-via holes, 3D integration, and variability characterization. These will be assessed with respect to integration practices of qubits. Core substrate and process technologies with high quality factors, improved material deposition on large-substrates, and increased critical temperature for superconducting operation, will be developed and validated. The MATQu partners complement each other in an optimal way across the value chain to create a substantial competitive advantage, e.g. faster time-to-market and roll-out of technologies and materials for better Josephson junctions for quantum computing.

Palabras clave

Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 298 817,75
80686 Munchen

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Bayern Oberbayern München, Kreisfreie Stadt
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 853 765,00

Participantes (17)