CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

RESpondIng to outbreaks through co-creaTIve sustainable inclusive equality stRatEgies

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - RESISTIRE (RESpondIng to outbreaks through co-creaTIve sustainable inclusive equality stRatEgies)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-04-01 bis 2023-09-30

The aim of RESISTIRÉ is to
1) understand the impact of COVID-19 policy responses on behavioural, social and economic inequalities in the EU27, Serbia, Turkey, Iceland, and the UK on the basis of a conceptual gender+ framework, and
2) design, devise and pilot policy solutions and social innovations to be deployed by policymakers, stakeholders and actors in different policy domains.
RESISTIRÉ proposes a three-cycle approach, combining quantitative and qualitative research with co-creation. The process is repeated every six months, each cycle producing operational results and integrating insights from the previous one. Each cycle involves:
(i)Extensive mapping of policy and societal responses to COVID-19, secondary survey data, workshops with civil society, interviews with public authorities, and individual narratives collected from precarious and vulnerable groups, and translated into operational insights.
(ii)Development of adequate responses and operational tools from a holistic perspective, with a co-design approach involving multiple stakeholders, with recommendations for actions for policymakers, stakeholders and actors in the field.
(iii)Launch of pilot actions to demonstrate the potential impact of a range of proposed solutions.
(iv)Dissemination of knowledge, development of policy recommendations and empowerment of stakeholders to exploit project results.

RESISTIRÉ relies on a strong multi-disciplinary consortium of ten European research, innovation, and design partners, with a well-established network of healthcare stakeholders. It is designed to achieve its results through multi-disciplinary research insights, cross-sectoral co-creation, solution development and a wide dissemination strategy.
The general theoretical and conceptual framework was established during the first month of the project and served as a basis for performing RESISTIRÉ’s research activities. RESISTIRÉ’s 3 cycles were completed. The work performed in each cycle was organized in four overlapping stages:
1. Insights
- mapping policy/NRRPs and civil society responses and available Rapid Assessment Surveys in 26 EU member states (excluding Malta) plus UK, Iceland, Serbia and Turkey
- collecting qualitative data on the behavioural, social and economic inequalities during COVID-19 via i) workshops with experts from civil society, ii) interviews with public authority experts and iii) individual narratives in 30 countries (total of 793 narratives)
- identifying and analysing existing harmonised and comparable indicators used to monitor inequalities impacts of COVID-19 at the international and/or EU level
- the "RESISTIRE Study App" - an online survey aimed to fill in the gaps in data
- collaboration with selected number of RAS
2. Co-creation
-organization of 12 Open Studios. Participants, including experts, practitioners, first respondents, and artists, co-created potential solutions based on the results from the insight step.
3. Solutions
- Based on outputs from the research and Open Studios, a series of workshops focused on creating a) operational recommendations, b) pilot project concepts and c) research agenda
4. Outcomes
- Pilot projects: 7 calls were issued and led to 9 funded pilot actions
- Operational recommendations: 22 Factsheets were disseminated and promoted through webinars and podcasts
- 3 Research agendas were released and promoted through a webinars discussing the identified open knowledge gaps
RESISTIRE's research approach in applying a genuinely multi-disciplinary approach and combining traditional research techniques with action research and design thinking has led to innovative outcomes. The main outputs from are:
1. Reports on: (i) policy and societal responses, (ii) quantitative indicators and (iii) qualitative indicators, all covering 30 countries.
2. Collection of inspiring practices - "Better Stories" that emerged in the time of crisis
3. Innovative pilot projects identified in co-creative workshops (Open Studios)
4. Policy recommendations and agenda for future research

The main advantage of RESISTIRE is its ability to, in a short span, produce innovation based on research output, test it, and adjust research to produce the next wave of outputs. This methodology maximizes the project’s impact in terms of:
- Ensuring that policymakers consider the impacts on inequalities when taking health policy-decisions for outbreaks.
- Making the effects of the outbreak and the associated policy-decisions on inequalities visible: how they affect vulnerable groups; how parts of society with a less strong voice in the public debate are more or less affected; how new forms of discriminations and inequalities develop in the context of a pandemic.
- Empowering policymakers to take measures that alleviate or mitigate the adverse effects of outbreaks and the public health decisions associated with the outbreaks on inequalities and vulnerable groups.
- Stimulating the many initiatives taken by citizens and NGOs to compensate for the effects of the outbreak policy decisions on vulnerable groups and use these to inspire both NGOs as well as policymakers and to facilitate their uptake by more citizens and stakeholders in more regions and countries.
- Developing new concepts of bottom-up initiatives that have positive impacts on inequalities and discriminations to inspire policymakers and other stakeholders to roll these out and develop them further.
RESISTIRE's methodology