CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Virtual Centre

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PJ32-W3 VC (Virtual Centre)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-01-01 bis 2022-12-31

The Virtual Centre concept allows an innovative Virtual Centre architecture between ATSU and ADSP, enabling that a volume of airspace be controlled by one ATSU or another, e.g. depending on the availability of resources (business continuity, operational flexibility), or in order to provide service in the case of contingency (resilience). This is referred in the AAS as the “capacity-on-demand” service.
Complementing the Delegation of Airspace amongst ATSUs (SESAR Solution PJ10-W2-93) for what concerns the airspace delegation, and investigating the cross-border use of the DAC concept (SESAR Solution PJ09-W2-44), the Virtual Centre Wave3 proposal aims to further validate the airspace delegation in the Virtual Centre context (airspace delegation for two ATSUs (part of two different Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) but also including ATSUs within the same ANSP) which can deliver service over the same volume of airspace, potentially including a cross-border rostering scheme). In addition, it aims to increase the maturity level of the Virtual Centre concept itself. The overall objective is to demonstrate the positive impact of the Virtual Centre concept on improving the Network:
• The ability to dynamically adapt to changes in capacity e.g. in case of contingency in an ATSU, traffic needs or Air Traffic Controller (ATCO) shortage;
• The Cost-efficiency through the decoupling of the ATM data provision from the ATC service provision enabling flexible, scalable and resilient ATM service provision.
At management level, we have continued to apply the processes defined during the first reporting period, and have ramped up communication actions, including organized a Virtual Centre Demo day at FREQUENTIS premises.

The Operational Thread work performed in the reporting period includes:
- Definition of all operational processes and analysis of the technical impact on systems
- Development of relevant documentation for the above
- Definition of the validation plan, development of the platforms involved in the 6 validation activities
- Organisation of 6 validation activities including 5 Human in the Loop ones
- Start the analysis of the validation results

The Technical Thread work performed in the reporting period includes:
- Development of documents complementing all main PJ.10-W2-93 deliverables
- Development of platforms for 3 exercises of PJ.10-W2-93 and development of the related Availability Notes
- Specific technical work on two specific Virtual Centre architectures: the "Y" architecture and the Triangle Architecture
- First Draft of the Virtual Centre Maturity Report
PJ32-W3-VC is exploring, defining and validating new operational concept, by adding the ATFCM aspects to the delegation processes studied in PJ10-W2-93. Technically it is defining new Virtual Centre services and studying how these services defined for ATSU can also be used among ADSPs.

The project is a key enabler to deploy the future Single European Airspace System (SEAS) underpinned by airspace reorganization, and the establishment of a common EU-wide ATM data services. Operationally and technically, it contributes to the validation of the more advanced pan-European ATM Data Service Provision Models, where independent ADSPs provide services to ATSUs and in some case other ADSPs.

The wider impact of the project are those defined in the Airspace Architecture Study, specifically the de-fragmentation of European airspace and the optimization of resources, reducing for instance the demand for staff during night or very low traffic conditions, but also allowing to dynamically respond to ad hoc staff shortfall by mobilizing staff in other centres.

The project has defined a new Virtual Centre architecture , the triangle architecture, that will lead to early deployment of Virtual Centre Services
Depiction of a Virtual Centre architecture studied in PJ32