CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Planetary systems around white dwarfs


Was passiert mit Planeten, wenn ihren Muttersternen der Brennstoff ausgeht?

Sterne sind unglaublich massiv. Ein Großteil dieser Masse besteht aus Wasserstoff, aus dem durch Fusion Helium gebildet und Energie erzeugt wird, die in Form von Licht und Wärme abgestrahlt wird. Weiße Zwerge sind Sterne, die ihren Wasserstoff vollständig aufgebraucht haben. Sie leuchten weiter, weil sie noch so heiß sind. Doch das Schicksal ihrer Planeten liegt im Ungewissen. Im Jahr 2021 machte die Astronomie die Entdeckung eines Gasriesen, der einen Weißen Zwerg in unserer Galaxie umkreist. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt WDPlanets macht sich nun mithilfe von astrometrischen, spektrokopischen und photometrischen Beobachtungen aus einigen der fortschrittlichsten Observatorien der Welt auf die Jagd nach weiteren Weißen Zwergen, die Überbleibsel von Planetensystemen im Schlepptau haben.


In the 25 years since the discovery of 51 Peg b, we went from not knowing if the Solar system is a fluke of Nature to realising that it is totally normal for stars to have planets. The common fate of practically all planet hosts is that they will eventually evolve into white dwarfs, the Earth-sized embers that are the evolutionary end-points of most stars. Many of the known planets will survive the post main-sequence evolution of their host stars - in the solar system, this includes Mars, and all planetary bodies beyond it.

Firm evidence for evolved planetary systems at white dwarfs is found in the form of photospheric contamination from the accretion of planetary material, transits caused by clouds of debris, spectroscopic variability from planetesimals on ultra-short period orbits, and one volatile-rich gaseous disc formed from the evaporated atmosphere of a giant planet. These evolved planetary systems provide insight into the formation, structure, evolution, and ultimate fate of planets that are entirely complementary to, and in large parts unattainable by, the analyses of exo-planets orbiting main-sequence stars.

Within this project, we will make use of the astrometric, spectroscopic and photometric observations from Gaia, DESI, WEAVE, SDSS-V and ZTF-II to carry out an ambitious and comprehensive research program of white dwarfs hosting remnants of planetary systems. (1) We will measure the bulk abundances of at least 1000 planetesimals from the spectroscopic analysis of newly discovered white dwarfs that are strongly contaminated by the accretion of planetary material, assembling detailed statistics of the composition of planetary building blocks and/or fragments. (2) We will identify dozens of minor and major planets in close orbits around white dwarfs, and we will characterise their physical and orbital properties. The combined results of both areas of research will greatly improve our understanding of the formation, structure, and evolution of planets.


ERC-ADG - Advanced Grant

Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 2 535 290,00
Vereinigtes Königreich

Auf der Karte ansehen

West Midlands (England) West Midlands Coventry
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 2 535 290,00

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