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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Cosmic Ray Tomograph for Identification of Hazardous and Illegal Goods hidden in Trucks and Sea Containers

Descripción del proyecto

Una nueva tecnología para escanear en las inspecciones aduaneras y fronterizas

El alcance de los productos pirateados o falsificados que cruzan las fronteras es amplio y va en aumento. Hoy en día, tan solo se inspecciona una pequeña fracción de las cargas y el personal de aduanas detecta incluso una menor fracción de productos ilegales. Por ello, se necesitan nuevas tecnologías, además de las radiografías de rayos gamma y X que se emplean para escanear las cargas en las fronteras. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos SilentBorder está desarrollando un nuevo escáner de tomografía de muones de alta tecnología que permite realizar de forma segura y rápida el cribado, la detección y la identificación de mercancías peligrosas e ilegales, el contrabando y las personas ocultas en contenedores. El escáner de tomografía de muones distinguirá distintos materiales y los localizará dentro de la carga y, además,. proporcionará imágenes tridimensionales.


Everyday our customs workers need to tackle counterfeit goods and piracy to protect the health and safety of our citizens, yet it is estimated that only a small fraction of cargo is inspected and even smaller fraction of illegal goods are detected. Today, the most widely used technology for scanning vehicles, ranging from vans and trucks to railcars, is gamma-ray and X-ray radiography. But new technologies are required for overcoming current technological shortcomings like inability to detect the materials, usage of radioactive and harmful source, low throughput to name some.
Cosmic-ray tomography (CRT) is considered as beyond the state-of-the-art technology in cargo screening. Cosmic-ray muons are highly penetrating, their average energy is about 10,000 times the energy of a typical X-ray and they are practically non-absorbable. They are suitable to identify materials hidden inside of shielded material, too thick or deep for other imaging methods. The CRT is completely passive, exploiting naturally occurring secondary cosmic radiation. Contrary to conventional X-ray or gamma-based imaging techniques it allows to distinguish between different materials and localizes it inside the cargo or vehicle by providing visualised 3D image.
We will bridge the major security gap for fast and safe inspection of large number of cargos by developing the Multi-Functional Passive Detection System. The detection capability is based on using high accuracy sensors for particle tracking in combination with beyond state-of-the art tomographic reconstruction and material classification algorithms.
The main objective of SilentBorder is to develop and validate a new high-technology CRT scanner for border guard, customs and LEAs that enables safe and fast screening, detection and identification of hazardous and illegal goods (e.g. SNM), contraband (e.g. tobacco or explosive) as well as hidden persons in up to 20’ iso containers.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 010 125,00
51005 Tartu

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Eesti Eesti Lõuna-Eesti
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 1 010 125,00

Participantes (9)