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CO2 Geological Pilots in Strategic Territories - PilotSTRATEGY

Description du projet

Projet pilote de stockage géologique du CO2 dans des territoires stratégiques

PilotSTRATEGY, financé par l’UE, étudiera les sites de stockage géologique du CO2 dans les régions industrielles d’Europe du Sud et de l’Est afin de soutenir le développement des technologies de captage et de stockage du carbone (CSC) à grande échelle. La recherche se concentrera sur les aquifères salins profonds (des formations rocheuses poreuses remplies d’eau saline situées à plusieurs kilomètres sous terre) qui promettent une grande capacité de stockage du CO2 capté par les groupements industriels. Des études détaillées seront menées sur les aquifères salins profonds du Bassin parisien en France, du Bassin lusitanien au Portugal et du Bassin de l’Èbre en Espagne. Les chercheurs entendent également améliorer nos connaissances sur les options de stockage du CO2 en Macédoine occidentale, en Grèce et en Haute-Silésie en Pologne. PilotSTRATEGY s’impliquera auprès des citoyens et des parties prenantes et veillera à ce que les perspectives communautaires soient pleinement prises en compte dans le projet.


PilotSTRATEGY focuses on advancing understanding of deep saline aquifer (DSA) resources for geological CO2 storage in five European industrial regions in Southern and Eastern Europe. DSAs have much promise and potential for CO2 storage, but despite their high potential storage capacity, they are not well studied. There is a need to increase confidence and maturity of understanding of these sites.

PilotSTRATEGY will investigate DSA in detail in three regions of Southern Europe: Paris Basin (France), Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) and Ebro Basin (Spain). This will include acquisition of new data, detailed geo-characterisation, feasibility studies and preliminary design or pre-front end engineering and design studies. At the end of the project, the level of site characterisation in these three regions will be sufficient to allow a final investment decision to be made and for storage permitting and project approval to be obtained.

In two further regions of Eastern Europe, West Macedonia (Greece) and Upper Silesia (Poland), PilotSTRATEGY will increase the maturity and confidence level of understanding of DSA storage resources, based on new available data, reprocessing of old data and new dynamic simulation studies. This will enable these regions to start planning to develop their storage resources.

Recognising the social challenge of implementing geological CO2 storage, PilotSTRATEGY will take a systemic approach and analyse the factors that influence societal acceptance of storage sites, to develop methods for societal engagement. Regional stakeholders and the local public will be involved in developing recommendations and concepts as part of the pilot conceptualization and design. At the same time, PilotSTRATEGY will run a series of dialogues, “Talk with Authorities,” to support capacity building in local authorities and build policy makers’ awareness of geological CO2 storage, particularly the role of CCUS in just, net-zero transitions in all regions.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 380 185,00
45060 Orleans

Voir sur la carte

Centre — Val de Loire Centre — Val de Loire Loiret
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 380 185,00

Participants (18)