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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Women and the Transmission of Alternative Religious Knowledge in the Late Medieval Mediterranean

Description du projet

Les femmes de l’époque médiévale dans les changements religieux transnationaux

À la fin de l’Europe médiévale, plusieurs mouvements ont contesté les prétentions institutionnelles et doctrinales du christianisme hégémonique et ont été déclarés «hérétiques». Sans fonction sacerdotale ni éducation formelle en latin, les femmes «illettrées» impliquées dans ces mouvements ont été caractérisées comme de ferventes suiveuses et soignantes, mais leur rôle intellectuel a été considéré comme marginal. Le projet ILLITTERATAE, financé par l’UE, étudiera le rôle des femmes dans la transmission d’idées religieuses alternatives, en se concentrant sur des groupes connus sous le nom de «béguines» et souvent associés à la branche réformatrice de l’ordre franciscain dans les villes de la Méditerranée occidentale. ILLITTERATAE localisera et cartographiera leur activité à l’aide de l’analyse des réseaux sociaux, des systèmes d’information géographique et d’une application en libre accès, produisant un catalogue numérique de sources et proposant un nouveau modèle pour les changements religieux transnationaux.


ILLITTERATAE explores religious radicalisation in later medieval Europe. It deals in particular with the role of women in the process of conversion to alternative religious movements in the late-thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Without priestly office or formal Latin education, ‘illiterate’ women have been characterised as keen followers and caregivers, but their intellectual role in these movements has been considered marginal or nonexistent. ILLITTERATAE interrogates their impact on the transmission of religious ideas and devotional knowledge in the western Mediterranean region by focusing on conversion from mainstream Christianity and redefining the metrics of religious radicalisation. ILLITTERATAE will concentrate on communities that came to be known as 'beguines/beguins', building and cataloguing an extensive corpus of archival and textual sources connected to the development of a ‘beguin’ identity across the Mediterranean. It will also map the local, regional, and transnational levels of this movement, deemed to be ‘heretic’ by the papacy in the early fourteenth century, through the combined application of Social Network Analysis and Geographic Information Systems. Finally, an Open Access web-based application will make the digital output of the project accessible to the scientific community and the wider public, including the source catalogue, digital editions of relevant texts, historical and geographical maps, network graphs, statistical diagrams, and references to modern scholarship. These will combine to allow users to augment the original sources by juxtaposing them with different layers of information. ILLITTERATAE will develop a relational model for thinking about religious change that crosses traditional national boundaries, thus reinforcing the agenda of Horizon 2020 by including women in religious leadership narratives, taking into account the dialectic between repression and dissent and the connection between violence and extremism.

Régime de financement

MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EF


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 224 933,76
E1 4NS London

Voir sur la carte

London Inner London — East Tower Hamlets
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 224 933,76