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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Ritual and Ancient Greek Experience of Sacred Spaces


Rituale im antiken Griechenland – Assoziationen in Raum und Zeit

Im antiken Griechenland nahmen Rituale wie religiöse Prozessionen, rituelles Nachspielen und Aufführen unter freiem Himmel dreidimensionale Räume ein. Außerdem waren die Rituale an die Bewegungen der Beteiligten gebunden und wurden vom Spiel aus Licht und Schatten sowie den sichtbaren Himmelskörpern beeinflusst. Bisher wurde das griechische rituelle Erleben nur statisch aus zeitlicher oder räumlicher Perspektive erforscht. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt STAR-AGESS wird nun immersive Umgebungen nachbilden, in denen Simulationen des antiken Himmels und astronomischer Konstellationen, Horizonte, detaillierte Topografie sowie architektonische dreidimensionale Modelle der Heiligtümer in Sounion, Ägina und Perachora eingebunden sind. Diese werden zu bestimmten Tages- und Jahreszeiten virtuell besucht und erforscht, um Einblicke in die religiöse Praxis, rituelle zeitliche Abläufe, astronomische Verbindungen und gesellschaftlich-mythische Assoziationen zu bekommen.


The experience of religious ritual played a key role in ancient societies, as it negotiated ideas of cosmology and identity. By addressing the cosmos, participation in rituals forged ideas of belonging, which increased social cohesion and negotiated power permeating all aspects of society. Despite its importance, ancient Greek ritual experience has only been studied from static temporal and spatial viewpoints. Religious processions, open-air ritual re-enactments and performances operated in three-dimensional spaces, linked to the movement of the participants and affected by the play of light, shadows and celestial bodies visible at the time when they were held. These elements were instrumental in shaping the experience and memories of the attendants, influencing the society as a whole. STAR-AGESS will provide a new approach to the study of ancient Greek ritual practice by recreating immersive environments that incorporate ancient sky and astronomical simulations, horizons, detailed topography and architectural 3D models of the sanctuaries at Sounion, Aegina and Perachora. These three key case studies were selected as they have enough extant remains and written information to allow meaningful reconstructions in an extra-urban environment. They will be virtually explored at specific times of the day/night and year to gain insights into religious practice, ritual timing, astronomical connections, and into how they might have shaped experience and social memory through specific socio-mythical associations. To do so, the Experienced Researcher (ER) will reconstruct the total environment with the aid of targeted hands-on-research training, using advanced 3D techniques, landscape analysis and current theoretical approaches on the cognitive formation of space and experience in ritual performance. These methods will enhance the ER’s profile with cutting-edge techniques that will situate her at the forefront of research and boost her career.


Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica
€ 120 699,36
Plaça Rovellat s/n
43003 Tarragona

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