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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Talent4BBI: Developing Talent for Bio-Based Industries of Europe

Descripción del proyecto

Formación de alta demanda en la bioindustria

La bioindustria europea requiere tecnologías innovadoras para colmar su necesidad de investigadores brillantes con una formación doctoral de gran calidad. El objetivo es asegurar una posición competitiva en el ámbito internacional. En este contexto, el proyecto Talent4BBI, financiado con fondos europeos, ofrecerá una oportunidad única para investigadores noveles al ayudarles a adquirir competencias, habilidades clave y la experiencia deseada por las bioindustrias modernas. Para ello, se ofrecerá un programa específico desarrollado y ejecutado en coordinación con las principales bioindustrias europeas y distintas universidades europeas. El proyecto también se adherirá a los principios descritos en la Carta Europea del Investigador y el Código de conducta para la contratación de investigadores, así como a los Principios de la Unión Europea para una formación doctoral innovadora.


Cutting-edge PhD training in bio-based industries is a critical necessity to tackle the challenges, risks and strategic opportunities of the rapidly evolving European bioeconomy. Talent4BBI will provide a unique opportunity for Early Stage Researchers to develop key skills, competencies and experience required by bio-based industries through a targeted programme for future bioeconomy leaders. Coordinated by BiOrbic Bioeconomy SFI Research Centre at University College Dublin (Ireland) over a 60-month programme duration, 11 ESRs will undertake PhDs of 48 months cohosted by academia and industry. ESRs will be recruited and co-hosted by a consortium of 16 partners across 8 Member States and 1 Associated Country (7 universities and 9 leading bio-based industries) with a wealth of collective experience in training talented mobile researchers. 3 additional partners will contribute their expertise to the training programme. In line with the principles set out in the Charter and Code and with the EU Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training, a unique practice-based pedagogy will enable graduates to thrive in an industrial and academic research setting and enhance ESR career opportunities in line with the MSCA COFUND work programme objectives. Talent4BBI’s selection process will be guided by principles of openness, transparency, merit, impartiality and equality for the ESRs. Talent4BBI will impact the European Research Area through developing a uniquely qualified and career-driven talent pool, driving effective cooperation between industry and academia, and boosting the development of bio-based industries.

Régimen de financiación

MSCA-COFUND-DP - Doctoral programmes


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 193 280,00
4 Dublin

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Ireland Eastern and Midland Dublin
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 2 386 560,00