Die Wissenschaft zu den Menschen Galiziens bringen
Ist während der Pandemie das Vertrauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung gewachsen? Wie hat sich COVID-19 auf die gesellschaftliche Wahrnehmung von Wissenschaft und Wissenschaftskommunikation ausgewirkt? Die Ergebnisse einer öffentlichen Meinungsumfrage in Spanien vom April 2020 zeigen, dass die Bürgerinnen und Bürger die Angehörigen der Gesundheitsberufe mehr als andere wissenschaftlich Tätige schätzen. Studien zeigen jedoch auch, dass die Zahl der eine wissenschaftliche und technische Laufbahn einschlagenden jungen Menschen rückläufig ist. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt G-NIGHT wird eine Europäische Nacht der Forschung organisieren, um der Öffentlichkeit die echte Forschung und Wissenschaft vorzustellen. Es wird die drei galizischen Universitäten, mehrere Forschungseinrichtungen sowie auch Museen und die Bürgerinnen und Bürger zusammenbringen. In den sieben größten Städten Galiziens wird eine Kombination aus Online- und Vor-Ort-Aktivitäten für interessante Einblicke sorgen.
The emergence of the new coronavirus has meant a turning point, a radical change in many facets of our life and of course in the social perception of science and science communication too.
During the crisis and for the first time in our era, a very large part of society really needed to rely and understand how science works and its outcomes, and they had to fight to find reliable and accurate sources of scientific information. The deafening noise of the first weeks was a sign that maybe scientist and their institutions have to communicate and listen better and that a closer relationship between science and society is still needed.
In Spain, a survey carried out in April 2020 showed that healthcare professionals were the group that citizens rated most highly followed by scientists.
In previous studies, such as Social Perception of Science 2018, it was already clear that the professions most highly valued by citizens were, in this order, doctors, scientists and teachers, over engineers, entrepreneurs, judges and journalists.
Even so, a recent study certifies a 30% drop since 2000 in the number of enrolments in scientific and technical careers. It points out different causes for this drop and the main one seems to be the perception that it is not worth making the effort due to the imbalances in the job market.
So, in this context, G-Night seeks to bring its research institutions to the whole population, to continue working and caring for a relationship that is strengthened every day. And for the first time, the main Galician centres and universities aim to do it together, reflecting the collaborative nature of science and knowledge generation. The Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of UVIGO leads a project to bring together the 3 Galician universities, several research centres, museums, libraries and other science organizations and associations with the public to show the reality of research and science in different areas of knowledge
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