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Open Researchers 2021

Description du projet

La science pour un avenir climatique neutre en Andalousie

Les événements de la Nuit européenne des chercheurs en Andalousie fêtent leur 10e édition. Le projet OPENRESEARCHERS2021, financé par l’UE, renforcera la sensibilisation du grand public à la recherche et à ses réalisations pour la société et soutiendra la mise en œuvre du pacte vert pour l’Europe. Plus précisément, le projet se concentrera sur les objectifs de l’UE visant à atteindre la neutralité climatique d’ici 2050 et à améliorer la compréhension de la recherche par le grand public afin de susciter l’intérêt des jeunes pour les sciences. La dimension européenne sera également mise en évidence par la participation active de chercheurs bénéficiant de fonds européens et de boursiers du programme Actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie aux projets «EU Corners» et aux pré-événements. Parmi les principaux atouts du projet figurent les nombreuses activités prévues dans les rues, les théâtres et les bâtiments historiques de huit villes d’Andalousie.


"Open Researchers 2021 is the 10th Andalusian experience in the European Researchers' Night. The project is designed to increase the awareness of research as a solution to the numerous challenges faced by citizens all around the world, as well as pursuing the EU Green Deal to meeting the SDGs. ""A green science with and for citizenship: Facing the challenge of creating a neutral climate future in Europe"" is the main idea of the project. It has been conceived at a time where it becomes clearer that we must join efforts to find sustainable, equal and innovative solutions to achieve the Green Deal goals. Understanding that science is present in our daily lives, it should be accompanied by a scientific culture that will prepare citizens to a reality full of challenges. It is essential to promote youth interest in Science by opening it to the general public through researchers in an accessible way. Fundacion Descubre will coordinate this project, based on its experience through the last decade working with relevant projects and in its consortium experience in the previous NIGHT projects. The consortium is composed of 9 Andalusian universities, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Andalusian Foundation Progress and Health, and the Royal Botanical Garden of Cordoba. The project's major strength is the numerous activities taking place on streets, theatres, and historical buildings of the 8 Andalusian cities, with a high mobilization of researchers and collaborating institutions. To reinforce this, partners will consolidate a strong online programme of activities and a TV show. The European dimension will be underlined by the active involvement of researchers with European funds and Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellows in the EU Corners and in the pre-events. Gender balance will be guaranteed in researchers as well as the RRI for designing inclusive and sustainable R&I. The project includes a European collaboration to design a set of activities linked to the Green Deal."


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 22 500,00
18006 Granada

Voir sur la carte

Sur Andalucía Granada
Type d’activité
Coût total
€ 50 750,00

Participants (12)