CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

European Researchers' Night Apulia 2021 - Discovering the fascinating world of research


Die Bevölkerung Apuliens an die Forschung heranführen

In der italienischen Region Apulien gibt es vier öffentliche Universitäten mit etwa 2 800 fest angestellten Forschenden sowie mehrere öffentliche und private Forschungsinstitutionen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt ERN-Apulia3 wird Vorveranstaltungen und die Europäische Forschernacht 2021 organisieren, um das Bewusstsein für die Rolle der Forschung im Alltag in der Öffentlichkeit zu schärfen, das Interesse junger Menschen anzufachen und eine Verbindung zwischen den Forschenden und der Öffentlichkeit aufzubauen. Das Projekt wird sich besonders an Studierende, industrielle und professionelle Organisationen sowie öffentliche Behörden richten, wissenschaftliche Spiele und Besichtigungen organisieren und entsprechende Materialien verbreiten. ERN-Apulia3 wird außerdem die Rolle des Europäischen Forschungsraums, der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen und der Grundsätze der europäischen Charta für Forscher erklären.


ERN-Apulia3 targets to continue bringing Apulian population closer to researchers and viceversa. Apulia is an Italian region with about 4.1 million inhabitants and 4 public universities having a total of about 2800 permanent researchers in addition to those in Public and Private Research Institutions. The large capacity of beneficiaries was already demonstrated in the past EU-funded project for 2018, 2019 and 2020 Nights.
ERN-Apulia3 further enlarged the network of partners in order to overpass its previous achievements. Main objectives are:
- to implement preparatory events and the 2021 ERN, with particular attention to students, industrial and professional organizations, municipalities and public administrations, already actively involved in the past editions;
- to increase public awareness and recognition of the importance and impact of research in daily life, with specific examples from ICT to health and life sciences, from elementary particle to cultural heritage, etc with a special emphasis on societal challenges for the 2021 edition;
- to stimulate curiosity and interest and explain the fascinating world and the opportunities in research, especially to the youngest as a mean to encourage them to embark scientific careers;
- to establish a tight connection among population/institutions and researcher to continue during the year;
- to prepare and publicize dissemination materials along with scientific games and site visits (including laboratories and sites of cultural interest) to be available during the whole year for the general public;
- to explain the spirit and opportunities of the European Research Area, the Marie Sk?odowska-Curie actions and the principles of ?The European Charter for Researchers?;
- to reach a number of Facebook Impressions >1.5M and Reach >400k, Youtube Views > 30k and watch time > 1000h, followers close to 200k, participants > 100k (among all the various initiatives) and a participants to the ERN > 50k.


€ 53 900,00
73100 Lecce

Auf der Karte ansehen

Sud Puglia Lecce
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 77 000,00

Beteiligte (11)