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Project description

Paving the way for the ESFRI Roadmap exercise

The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) has established a new European Roadmap for research infrastructure. In this context, the EU-funded MIZS-ESFRI project will host the launch of the ESFRI Roadmap 2021 and ESRI Stakeholder Forum in Ljubljana. This will be organised under the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU during the second half of 2021. The events will be organised by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MIZS) together with ESFRI, StR-ESFRI and the European Commission. The major stakeholders will discuss the results and conclusions of the ESFRI 2021 road-mapping exercise and create a structured bidirectional communication channel to enhance integration and improve services.


Proposal concerns the organization of a Launch event of the ESFRI Roadmap 2021 on December 7th 2021 and ESFRI Stakeholder Forum on December 8th in Ljubljana. Both events are a part of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU in second semester of 2021. The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MIZS) will organize the events in close cooperation with ESFRI, StR-ESFRI and the EC, including preparation, broad communication about the events and their outputs and related logistical activities such as venue and technical support, dinner, refreshments and social programme as well as press coverage.
The main objectives of the launch event of the ESFRI Roadmap 2021 are to make a formal public presentation of the ESFRI Roadmap 2021, to discuss the outcomes and conclusions of the ESFRI 2021 road-mapping exercise with major stakeholders, to reflect on the main challenges for implementation of research infrastructures, to facilitate a quick start towards implementation for new research infrastructures included in the Roadmap, to reflect on possible actions aiming at long-term sustainability of research infrastructures and to prepare solid ground for the planning of the next ESFRI Roadmap update.
The main objectives of the ESFRI Stakeholder Forum are to create a structured constructive two-way communication channel with a broad community of the stakeholders, to contribute to better integration of the RIs in the particular communities and to contribute to improved services of the RIs for specific communities.
The objectives of both events will be achieved according to the Work plan, which consists of four Work Packages: WP 1 - Project management, WP 2 - Conference content, WP 3 - Conference organisation & management and WP 4 - Communication, Promotion and Dissemination.
Expected costs for the project are 99.960,00 EUR and the foreseen duration of the work is 11 months.


Ministrstvo za izobrazevanje, znanost in sport
Net EU contribution
€ 99 660,00
Masarykova 16
1000 Ljubljana

See on map

Slovenija Zahodna Slovenija Osrednjeslovenska
Activity type
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Total cost
€ 99 660,00