CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
Plan for dissemination communication and exploitation M6 IESTA The report will pose as a detailed action plan to maximise the impact of the project results Subsequently the measures are implemented and documented in the Dissemination Communication and Exploitation of HiPE T71 and T72 will contribute to this deliverable
Intermediate Dissemination & Communication ReportThis report provides the dissemination activities by the consortium. It contains the identification of stakeholders with a corresponding mapping of results to be communicated and the corresponding communication channels. T7.1 will contribute to this deliverable.
Project Handbook (incl. QA Plan and Risk Plan)The project handbook will describe describing the project organization incl roles and responsibilities and internal project procedures which will assure compliance to highquality standards It will contain a risk and contingency plan and refer to templates for deliverables reports and presentations All tasks of WP1 will contribute to this deliverable
Intermediate Exploitation ReportThe Intermediate Exploitation Report will describe the activities of the partners to exploit the project results. It takes into consideration different approaches for industrial end users and academic partners. T7.2 will contribute to this deliverable.
On a regular basis, the public will be informed of the progress and the main results of the HiPE project. All partners will contribute to the newsletters. This newsletter will inform the public about the first 12 months of the HiPE project. T7.1 will contribute to this deliverable.
Project marketing basics and webpageThe project webpage will be updated regularly It will act as a contact point for interested third parties provide a brief project summary and inform the public about ongoing RD activities host public project deliverables and publications for the general public eg newsletters T71 will contribute to this deliverable
Emilie Boulay, Maurizio Tranchero, Monzer Al Sakka
Pubblicato in:
Smart System Integration Conference, 2024
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