CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Transnational cooperation on the missions approach

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TRAMI (Transnational cooperation on the missions approach)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-04-01 bis 2023-03-31

In recent years, research and innovation policy has been increasingly challenged to contribute to addressing societal ambitions. The perceived urgency of these challenges and the lack of satisfaction with the current set of policy approaches and instruments led to the recent resurgence of so-called mission-oriented policy approaches. The nature of the present challenges asks for new types of mission-oriented policies, though. While traditional mission-oriented policies were often aiming at a set of narrowly defined areas or large-scale projects with clear targets, to be achieved in cooperation by a restricted range of actors, the new type of mission-oriented policy aims at transformations at the systems level (e.g. of energy, transport, housing and other - often intertwined - systems), with much more open goals and involving a much wider range of actors and stakeholders as well as citizens.
The directionality associated with mission orientation implies a more active role for government in coordinating and formulating goals, brings together different groups of actors at different levels (local, regional, national, supranational), and entails the need to develop new means of cooperation and coordination. While on the conceptual and programmatic level, quite some progress can be seen, the concrete implementation of mission-oriented policy is still in its infancy in most countries. This also holds for the European level.
In the preparation of Horizon Europe, missions along five mission-areas have been proposed for implementation: 1. Cancer, 2. adaptation to climate change including societal transformation, 3. healthy oceans, seas coastal and inland waters, 4. climate-neutral and smart cities, 5. soil health and food. These missions now face the challenge of being implemented in the best possible manner(s), at the same time capitalizing on the recent progress in conceptualising mission-oriented policy and drawing on experiences from current processes across the mission areas as well as countries and regions.
Currently many activities at European and national level are underway to make the implementation of the five EU missions successful: The first mission work programme were launched, Mission Boards are active, and member states have started to design and implement corresponding national, regional and local governance processes. Strategic and operative discussions between RTI and sectoral policy fields are in progress. At national and regional level the analysis of existing funding initiatives regarding their mission potential has been started and more mission-oriented calls are launched or in preparation. Experience shows there is no universally applicable, one-size-fit-all implementation model. Characteristics of challenges, goal definitions, actors, and policy instruments (and their mix) differ between the mission areas. In addition, each country has its own institutional frames that define its ‘policy trajectory’ and its policy approaches. These have to be taking into account when proposing implementation frameworks and strategies.

The overall objective of the TRAMI project is to foster the cooperation and coordination between EU-level actions and complementary national, regional and local actions in support of the implementation of missions. Accordingly TRAMI aims to:
• support the alignment and coordination between national, regional and local initiatives;
• exchange best practice on how complementary policy efforts and related funding can contribute;
• facilitate the engagement of regional and local actors in support of EU-level or national activities;
• map the relevant stakeholders, which are key actors to support the implementation of missions;
• map different existing funding streams and explore respective possibilities of mobilisation and combination;
• prepare for potential hubs at national level: The TRAMI CORE NETWORK;
• develop the basis for a governance model supporting the implemention of missions;
• raise awareness and to engage and mobilise key stakeholders and citizens to actively participate.
The overall objective of the TRAMI project is achieved by means of:
• establishing the European Mission Network (EMiN) as community of practice and as central information and exchange platform for the benefit of EU Mission actors across Europe and across EU Missions;
• mapping the existing governance structures, actors and instruments in place at the European level
• organizing mutual learning events, the tools, example of use cases and a Missions playbook;
• communication and dissemination of the project results;
The project aims to promote a common vision of mission-oriented policy, and enable knowledge exchange, mutual learning and the testing of mutually compatible practices of mission governance as well as establish partnerships and cooperation with regional and local actors in order to guide and frame the initiatives of targeted mission hubs. The project also aims to deliver a platform to facilitate sharing and learning among a wide range of stakeholders, how national, regional and local structures, instruments and activities can support the implementation of EU Missions. A clear focus of the TRAMI project is to establish links between the policy and the concrete implementation.
By creating the European Mission Network (EMIN), TRAMI sets the basis for an EU wide adoption of mission-oriented R&I policies. National nodes/hubs are identified and the establishment of governance structures for the implementation of mission-oriented policies are supported through the core network of countries, which allows shaping framework conditions that enable the transformation towards a climate neutral, and more resilient Europe.

Through a thorough analysis of current and novel approaches in designing mission-oriented policies, TRAMI l elaborates and provides comprehensive mappings of 1) effective governance approaches for implementation of missions at national/regional local level, and 2) effective
instruments for implementation of missions tailored to specific framework conditions and needs of citizens.

TRAMI facilitates an iterative learning process and a dynamic relationship between actors at regional and national level across Europe. The learning material that will be provided will exemplify and further develop the national, regional, or local missions’ implementation and the
engagement actions needed at national, regional or local level.