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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Coordination of national research programmes in Agri-Food and biotechnology - Joining forces of ERA-Net Cofunds, EJP and self sustained initiatives

Descripción del proyecto

Cooperación transnacional en los sectores agroalimentario y biotecnológico

La red ERA-NET Cofunds de la Unión Europea ha tenido éxito en la cooperación transnacional entre programas nacionales de investigación en los ámbitos de la agroalimentación y la biotecnología. El equipo del proyecto Green ERA-Hub, financiado con fondos europeos, se basará en logros anteriores para reforzar las colaboraciones intersectoriales entre las redes ERA-NETS de agroalimentación y biotecnología mediante la financiación transnacional conjunta de proyectos de investigación colaborativa, valorizará y pondrá en marcha actividades conjuntas de apoyo al mercado e identificará prioridades de investigación e innovación. En el proyecto se contribuirá a la planificación y ejecución de las nuevas Asociaciones y Misiones de Horizonte Europa hacia los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible estratégicos, como Hambre cero, Industria, innovación e infraestructura, Producción y consumo responsables, Vida de ecosistemas terrestres, la Estrategia «De la Granja a la Mesa» y el Pacto Verde Europeo.


The Green ERA-Hub (GEH) represents 15 currently active EU ERA-Net Cofunds and self-sustained initiatives in the field of Agri-food and biotechnology. Together with already ended predecessor initiatives, they represent 29 co-ordination actions in which more than 1100 Mio Euro funding has been mobilised via 89 transnational calls.
The ERA-Net scheme is a success model for transnational co-operation of national research programmes. The partners consider GEH an ideal measure to continue and extend this fruitful co-operation. The aims of GEH are to:

- continue to build on previous achievements and further enhance cross-sector collaborations between Agri-food and biotechnology ERA-Nets, through joint transnational funding of collaborative research projects
- valorise and implement joint activities supporting the market, regulatory or societal uptake of results after the end of individual ERA-Nets
- identify common research and innovation priorities, agreed upon by the participating national programmes, and address them via new joint calls
- preserve best practice and managerial competences
- contribute to the planning and complement the implementation of the new HEU Partnerships and Missions
- broaden the actions and impact of initiatives towards stakeholders and in terms of geographical coverage
- contribute to achieve the strategic goals of the SDGs, in particular zero hunger, industry innovation and infrastructure, responsible consumption and production, life on land, partnership for the goals, the farm2fork strategy and EU's Green Deal.

GEH will provide clear perspectives for ERA-Net (Cofunds), national research funders and researchers in the Agri-food and biotechnology sector to find dedicated support at the level of information, communication, co-operation, networking and joint transnational funding that best fits their needs. In turn, GEH will contribute to maintaining and strengthening EU's highly competitive position in Agri-food and biotechnology research.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 675 687,00
52428 Julich

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Nordrhein-Westfalen Köln Düren
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 916 497,50

Participantes (10)

Socios (1)