CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Towards an Integrated Consistent European LULUCF Monitoring and Policy Pathway Assessment Framework.


Gute Gründe für die Waldüberwachung

Wälder spielen eine wichtige Rolle für unsere Gesundheit und unser Wohl und erfüllen viele Aufgaben, wie den Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt, den Klimaschutz und die Produktion von Holz. Um die nötigen Informationen für eine nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung zu gewinnen, ist die Waldüberwachung eine Grundvoraussetzung. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt PathFinder wird diese Aufgabe mit Innovationsgeschick erleichtern, indem es Feld- und Fernerkundungsdaten auf höchst effiziente Weise auswertet. Sein Ziel ist es, hochauflösende Karten zu erstellen und Forstattribute präzise abzuschätzen. Insgesamt wird sich die Waldüberwachung sowohl bei der Entscheidungsfindung als auch bei der Formulierung politischer Maßnahmen auf regionaler, einzelstaatlicher und europäischer Ebene von Nutzen erweisen.


Precise information on the current status of forests is required to forecast forest management effects which allows informed policy decisions. To inform and support the implementation of these policy objectives, PathFinder will develop and demonstrate an innovative integrated forest monitoring and pathway assessment system. This system, for the first time, will allow a consistent EU greenhouse gas reporting of the LULUCF sector, but, at the same time combine such monitoring capability with advanced pathway assessment to help plan the essential policy and implementation steps towards achieving the policy targets. The continuous monitoring of forests facilitates controlling of target achievement and possibly adjustment of pathways.
PathFinder goes beyond the state-of-art by the most efficient, combined use of field and remotely sensed data for high-resolution mapping and precisely estimating forest attributes. The cooperation of the largest forest monitoring organizations operating in the EU, i.e. national forest inventories (NFIs) and the network installed under ICP Forests, provides a rich data base of harmonized ground truth information which will be complemented by an innovative field survey of consistently assessed field monitoring sites. Advanced measurement devices will provide an audio-visual digital twin including genetic properties of the consistently monitored forest for maximum transparency and interoperability of new data. The analysis of combined databases will improve our understanding of fluxes among C pools.
The precise forest information of the monitoring system will feed into a new scenario framework that forecasts future forest scenarios and outcomes of forest management alternatives. The scenarios facilitate trade-off analysis of forest ES and are potential alleys in the pathway assessment. The pathway assessment is a co-creation activity in which novel monitoring and scenario studies are integrated with EU-level stakeholder visions and knowledge


€ 903 225,00
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Research Organisations
€ 903 225,00

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