Description du projet
Aider les PME à intégrer les principes de l’industrie 5.0
L’Europe a amorcé sa mue vers une société et une économie plus numérisées en vue de la quatrième révolution industrielle, qui a changé notre mode de vie et la façon dont nous menons nos affaires, créant des occasions de création de valeur grâce à de nouveaux services et de nouvelles formes d’emploi. Dans ce contexte, le projet SURE 5.0 financé par l’UE, accompagnera les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) européennes dans la numérisation de leurs processus de production et de l’utilisation de technologies avancées. Son objectif est d’ouvrir la voie à l’industrie 5.0: durabilité, résilience et centrage sur l’homme. Rassemblant 11 partenaires issus de huit pays (Allemagne, Autriche, Espagne, Estonie, France, Grèce, Irlande et Italie), le projet soutiendra les PME de trois secteurs: mobilité et transports, aéronautique et défense, et électronique. Au total, 1 000 PME seront associées aux activités du projet.
The economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and several successive periods of lockdown demonstrated the fragility of traditional economic sectors, particularly in manufacturing. At the same time, the crisis provided a springboard for the most advanced technology companies, mostly based in the US and China, to open up new markets.
The objective of the SURE 5.0 project is to support European SMEs seeking to take advantage of the opportunities brought by the 4th industrial revolution, namely: the digitalisation of production processes and the use of advanced technologies, while fostering the key principles of Industry 5.0: human centricity, sustainability and resilience.
SURE 5.0 covers three strategic ecosystems for the European Union: (i) Mobility, Transport & Automation (ii) Aerospace & Defence, and (iii) Electronics. The project will enable SMEs in these three ecosystems to receive assessments, recommendations, training, tailored services and financial support to implement Industry 5.0 principles that will ultimately provide them a competitive edge. Selected SMEs will be invited to join the SURE 5.0 Community of Practice Alliance. Led by the members of the consortium, this Community will promote peer-learning exchanges between members and with external organisations leaders.
The consortium is composed of 5 clusters (AV, CEAGA, SAC, ANFIA, CORALLIA) representing more than 1000 SMEs, 3 RTOs (FhG, AIMEN, TALTECH) with an outstanding expertise in supporting companies on technological issues, INIZIATIVA a consulting company specialised in the elaboration of innovative and sustainable business models, F6S a company expert in EU cascade funding projects, and EITM (West) the European Innovation Community in the field of manufacturing. In terms of expected project results and his impact, 1,000 SMEs will be involved in the project activities, 700 will be assessed, 90 will be supported with services from the partners and 53 will receive financial support.
Champ scientifique
- social sciencessociologyindustrial relationsautomation
- social sciencespolitical sciencespolitical transitionsrevolutions
- social scienceseconomics and businessbusiness and managementbusiness models
- natural sciencesbiological sciencesecologyecosystems
- social scienceseconomics and businesseconomicssustainable economy
- HORIZON.2.4 - Digital, Industry and Space Main Programme
Régime de financement
HORIZON-CSA - HORIZON Coordination and Support ActionsCoordinateur
31400 Toulouse