This deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 7.2. It will provide a summary of the proceedings and key outcomes of the consortium meetings. Consortium Meetings: Kick off meeting (M1) and 7 plenary meetings (4 digital meetings) M6,12,18,24, 30, 34, 36
Communication and Dissemination activities reportThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 5.4. Continuously monitor the performed actions: M12, and updates in M24, and M36.
Internal and external community building activities reportThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 5.3. The internal and external community building activities will be reported annually: M12, and updated M24, and M36
Round table discussions on SSbD for materialsThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 6.2.4. It will include relevant materials and summaries of outcomes resulting from the discussions: M18 and M30.
Communication channels guideline - updateThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within sub-task 5.2.1. The communication channels guideline will serve the entire project and network with well structured, reliable and standardized procedures, to ensure in-person and online interaction. A draft will be delivered by M6 and updated in M18.
Update 1: Analysis of lifecycle steps, the value chains, their stakeholders and initiatives.This deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 4.1. It will provide an analysis of the value chains in a cradle-to-cradle approach and map the relevant stakeholders (to support WPs 1-3) in developing methodologies and outputs that reflect the particularities of the industries. The study will be delivered by M4 and updated in M15, and M30.
Sustainable by design methods and criteria mappingThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 1.2. The methods and criteria to assess sustainable-by-design in materials performance, durability and energy consumption during use will be mapped along the innovation process.
Consortium Meetings: plenary meeting 1This deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 7.2. It will provide a summary of the proceedings and key outcomes of the consortium meetings. Consortium Meetings: Kick off meeting (M1) and 7 plenary meetings (4 digital meetings) M6,12,18,24, 30, 34, 36
Communication channels guideline - draftThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within sub-task 5.2.1. The communication channels guideline will serve the entire project and network with well structured, reliable and standardized procedures, to ensure in-person and online interaction. A draft will be delivered by M6 and updated in M18.
Data Management PlanThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 7.6. It will cover key aspects of data use and management, including administrative routines on data storage, data sharing between partners and confidentiality management. The first plan will be delivered in M3 and will be regularly updated.
Newsletter 1 as services for the projectThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 5.4. It will inform about news, upcoming activities and events, with the aim to raise awareness on SSbD for materials. The newsletters will be prepared in M12, 24 and 36.
Description of successful networks and key success factorsThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within sub-task 6.1.1. It will provide an analysis of the key success factors in other national and international networks and training initiatives related to materials, products and processes.
Analysis of lifecycle steps, the value chains, their stakeholders and initiatives.This deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 4.1. It will provide an analysis of the value chains in a cradle-to-cradle approach and map the relevant stakeholders (to support WPs 1-3) in developing methodologies and outputs that reflect the particularities of the industries. The study will be delivered by M4 and updated in M15, and M30.
Safe by design methods and criteria mappingThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 1.1. It will provide an overview of the methods and criteria along the whole design and innovation process to address safety in materials (environmental and human hazards), production (worker exposure and safety, release during production) and use (including end of life).
Design for recycling mappingThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 1.4. It will provide an overview of the methods and criteria for designing materials processes and products for circular economy.
Mapping of skillsThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 1.5. It will provide an overview of industrial practices, research and education, skills availability and skills need in relation to sustainable by design.
Outline of cooperation mechanism with relevant international initiativesThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within sub-task 6.1.3. It will provide a summary of the cooperation and integration of international thematic experts into the permanent network.
Consortium Meetings: plenary meeting 2This deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 7.2. It will provide a summary of the proceedings and key outcomes of the consortium meetings. Consortium Meetings: Kick off meeting (M1) and 7 plenary meetings (4 digital meetings) M6,12,18,24, 30, 34, 36
Frame for a consistent platform including described value delivered to different target groupsThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within sub-task 6.1.2. It will define the long-term vision, aim and purpose of the platform as well as the value that the platform will generate for the identified target groups.
Baseline analysis for SSbD criteria from all value chainsThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 4.2. It will provide inputs to WP 1 and an analysis on whether the SSbD criteria mapped in WP1 is of relevance in the respective value chains and where overlaps exist.
Lifecycle analysis mappingThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 1.3. It will provide an overview of the availability of methodologies used to design materials that provide a function (or service) while reducing harmful impacts to human, health and environment for better public engagement, consumer acceptance, adapting regulations to speed up market uptake.
Training service for SMEs giving fundamental knowledge on the importance of Safe-By-Design for business processesThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within sub-task 6.2.1. It will include materials from web-based training activities conducted for target groups: M18 and 30.
Project Quality PlanThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 7.2. It will provide the project quality plan to ensure quality in legal, financial, administrative, quality assurance and review, and contractual matters.
Workshop with stakeholders of Horizon Europe projects related to SSbDThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 2.2. It will establish and maintain input from the nanosafety sector culminating to a workshop aiming to capture the full breadth of on-going and recently started projects addressing SbD and (where applicable) SusbD concepts.
Harmonized methodology for gap analysisThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 2.1. It will provide insights on suboptimal or missing strategies, structures, practices or skills mapped in WP1 and then recommend steps that will offer opportunities for gap closure.
Collaboration channels and existing structures overviewThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within sub-task 5.2.2. Liaisons will be established to enable synergies of collaboration on European but also in global scale and reported in this deliverable.
Plan for dissemination and exploitation of results including communication activitiesTask 5.4 will coordinate all dissemination actions based on a dissemination and exploitation plan including communication activities. The dissemination activities include the website, stakeholder catalogue, workshop proceedings, social media, digital conferencing support (e.g. proximity chat platforms), press releases and event participation.
Events for start-ups to boost business collaboration with industryThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 6.2.2. It will include materials from events conducted as services for start-ups: M18 and M30.
Skills, knowledge and education needs and gaps and mismatches for the uptake of SSbD.This deliverable will include the results from the activities within sub-task 4.4.1. It will provide insights on the specific vocational skills, knowledge and education needed along the value chains that the industry needs for a successful uptake of SSbD criteria. The first document summarized in M10 and updated in M20.
This deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 5.1. It will provide a corporate identity, including graphical design and logo, and corporate identity guide. (M6 – project; M18 – for the permanent network)
IRISS project websiteThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 5.1. This will include establishment of a project website and preparation of the external interface of the project linking to social media.
Online project workspaceThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 7.1. It will provide an online project workspace for project members to ensure proper and efficient management of the project and implementation of tasks.
Corporate Identity - brand guideline - permanent networkThis deliverable will include the results from the activities within task 5.1. It will provide a corporate identity, including graphical design and logo, and corporate identity guide. (M6 – project; M18 – for the permanent network)
This deliverable will include the results from the activities within sub-task 5.2.1. The digital filesharing platform will serve the entire project and network with well structured, reliable and standardized procedures, to ensure in-person and online interaction. A draft will be established in M6 and updated in M18.
Akshat Sudheshwar, Christina Apel, Klaus Kümmerer, Zhanyun Wang, Lya G. Soeteman-Hernández, Eugenia Valsami-Jones, Claudia Som, and Bernd Nowack
Veröffentlicht in:
Environment International, Ausgabe 108305, 2024, ISSN 1873-6750
Apel, Kümmerer, Sudheshwar, Nowack, Som, Colin, Walter, Breukelaar, Meeus, Ildefonso, Petrovykh, Elyahmadi, Huttunen-Saarivirta, Dierckx, Devic, Valsami-Jones, Brennan, Rocca, Scheper, Strömberg, G. Soeteman-Hernandez
Veröffentlicht in:
Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Ausgabe 100876, 2024, ISSN 2452-2236
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