CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

DESign of bio-based Thermoset polymer with rEcycLing capabiLity by dynAmic bonds for bio-composite manufacturing

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ESTELLA (DESign of bio-based Thermoset polymer with rEcycLing capabiLity by dynAmic bonds for bio-composite manufacturing)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-06-01 bis 2023-11-30

ESTELLA project will focus on designing new bio-based epoxy resins with inherent recyclability capabilities by introducing the Covalent Adaptive Network (CAN) into the original epoxy structure. The addition of a CAN will enable the thermosetting epoxy resin to respond to specific stimuli, altering its microstructure and allowing it to be reprocessed or repolymerised back into its original monomers and fibres. This approach will also be applied to current fossil-based epoxy formulations, enabling the thermoset to be repolymerised into new products and the fibres to be recovered. Furthermore, renewable fibres will be utilised as reinforcements in thermoset composites.
The main aim of this project is to increase the sustainability of thermosetting epoxy composites by acting on the whole value chain of the materials, starting from the design stage through the introduction of CAN bonds in both fossil- and bio-based matrices and fibres. Ultimately this will enable their recycling, while redefining all manufacturing and recycling processes involved, ensuring the maximal recovery rate of its components, and strengthening the environmental and economical dimensions of thermosetting composites value chain.
In order to reach this challenging objective, several scientific and technological objectives have been defined:
-Development of recyclable thermosetting polymer
-Development of two natural fibre reinforcements
-To evaluate biorecyclability and degradability of designed resins
-Design and manufacture of composites
-To adapt current recycling processes to the materials developed and evaluate their recyclability
-Safety, Environmental and Social assessment
-Dissemination of results
The following is a brief description of the work performed in each technical work package (WP) during this period:

WP1 (Set-up of conditions and tools to enhance material recyclability): The objective of this WP was to pave the way for sustainable recycling of epoxy resin by identifying alternative additives, defining material requirements and discovering degradative microorganisms and enzymes. A comprehensive literature review on plastic additives was completed (Task 1.1) material properties for composite manufacture were defined (T1.2) and composite requirements for future applications were assessed (T1.3). A recyclability framework was established (T1.4) and key enzymes for the recycling process are being identified (T1.5). A protocol for isolating environmental microorganisms was also developed (T1.6). Finally, genome sequencing and identification of the enzymatic pathway is ongoing to advance this research (T1.7).

WP2(Design of thermoset polymer with CAN and obtaining natural fibre): This WP involved obtaining various molecular weight fractions of lignin, functionalising them, and using them in the formulation of bio-based epoxy resins that contain associative CAN. Additionally, we prepared different types of thermosets, including fossil-based epoxy resins containing associative CAN and renewable-based epoxy resins containing dissociative CAN. We also obtained various types of continuous and discontinuous natural fibres, functionalised them, and characterised them.

WP3 (Composite preparation and properties evaluation): The aim of this work package is to produce two demonstrators: one for light use in sporting goods and one for demanding use as a structural component. The design of two final components has been carried out based on the characteristics of the matrix and reinforcement materials. Simulation work will commence after the design activities have been completed.

WP4(Composite recycling): This WP is related to the recycling of composites, where the different partners will work on the study of mechanical, biological and chemical processes in order to select and scale up which of them gives a better result. The tasks developed within this WP during this period have been those corresponding to the planning, organisation and collection of information to be able to carry out the following analysis and recycling tasks.

WP5 (Safety and health assessment): This WP relates to the risk assessment of the developed materials. The assessment covers biodegradability, toxicity, and exposure, which will inform the evaluation of risks to human health and the environment. The strategy for this task has been outlined. The design will include a safety assessment of the list of chemicals defined in D1.1 as potential reagents, additives, and solvents to assess any potential risks. A risk analysis tool has been prepared and will be used for this purpose.

WP6 (Social, economic and environmental assessment): The aim of this WP is to evaluate the economic feasibility of the processes developed in ESTELLA and to ensure their economic and environmental sustainability. The process began with an analysis of the market and value chain. The primary goal of this work was to gain insights into the key technological and market trends in the sustainable and circular thermosets field and to investigate their potential future market. To achieve this goal, we conducted a thorough analysis of the framework conditions that promote or impede market development. This approach involves examining all relevant economic, technological, environmental, and social factors, as well as regulatory conditions. We also selected the appropriate software package and database for the LCA assessment of the Project's products.
The defined expected impacts and result as are reviewed below:
1. Reduction of accumulated waste in landfills.- ONGOING: The design of the recyclable resins is well advanced and almost completed, with successful results.
The recyclability tests of the manufactured materials have already begun.
The analysis of the recyclability of the composite will continue in the coming periods

2. Boosting the consumption of bio-based materials.- ONGOING: Work began on the preparation and technical-economic evaluation in terms of cost estimates and economic feasibility of the main potential production routes.

3. Emissions reduction.- ONGOING: For the evaluation and identification of opportunities to improve the environmental performance of the production value chain, LCA analysis has begun to be used.

4. Cost reduction.- ONGOING: Techno economic analysis in terms of cost estimation and economic viability has been initiated.

5. Social and environmental benefits.- ONGOING: Social Impact analysis in terms of potential impact on employment and health issues has been commenced.

6. Sustainable Development Goals.- ONGOING: Techno-economic analysis in terms of cost estimation and economic viability has been initiated.

7. Extend the application of responsible research and innovation (RRI) practices.- ONGOING: The scientific and technical dissemination of the results of the project is being carried out through different activities.
Process Scheme