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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Engineering Research Infrastructures for European Synergies

Description du projet

Une infrastructure pour les connaissances de pointe en ingénierie

Les infrastructures de recherche fournissent aux chercheurs les installations (ressources et services) dont ils ont besoin pour accomplir leur travail. Les infrastructures sont indispensables à une recherche de qualité. Dans ce contexte, le projet ERIES, financé par l’UE, fera progresser les connaissances en donnant un accès transnational à des installations expérimentales de pointe dans les domaines de l’ingénierie structurelle, sismique, éolienne et géotechnique. Le projet permettra aux utilisateurs d’améliorer les connaissances de pointe et de mener des recherches motivées par la curiosité concernant les pertes et les perturbations causées par ces dangers, la gestion des risques associés et le développement de solutions innovantes pour y faire face. ERIES intégrera les résultats fructueux et la mise en œuvre des projets d’infrastructure antérieurs, tels que SERIES et SERA, étendra les capacités d’accès à de nouvelles communautés et disciplines, et contribuera à une société plus verte et plus durable.


ERIES responds to the call INFRA-2021-SERV-01-07: Research infrastructure services advancing frontier knowledge with the overall objective of providing transnational access to advanced research infrastructures in the fields of structural, seismic, wind and geotechnical engineering. This project, together with the research infrastructure team assembled, provides access to leading experimental facilities that permit users to advance frontier knowledge and conduct curiosity-driven research towards: the reduction of losses and disruption due to these hazards; the management of their associated risk; and the development of innovative solutions to address them that will contribute to a greener and more sustainable society. To this end, ERIES will offer transnational access to the best European experimental facilities in each field, with new and unique infrastructures available for the first time in this programme, along with the provision of a key laboratory in North America. It also foresees a key contribution from the European Commission?s Joint Research Centre, as anticipated by the call. It integrates the successful results and implementation of the past infrastructure projects, such as SERIES and SERA, and expands access capabilities to new communities and disciplines which were not yet focused on in past projects. Its anticipated outcome is to provide authoritative input for diverse stakeholders, from Civil Protection agencies to the European seismic building code; develop future standards for experimental techniques in earthquake, wind and geotechnical engineering; and provide a platform from which European researchers can develop innovative solutions and testbed applications of next-generation technologies. With 12 beneficiaries from 8 countries, ERIES builds an important element toward the reduction of losses, management of risk, and overall a greener and more sustainable engineering future in Europe.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 573 450,00
27100 Pavia

Voir sur la carte

Nord-Ovest Lombardia Pavia
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 2 514 645,00

Participants (11)

Partenaires (1)