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European Sodium Fast Reactor - Safety by Innovative Monitoring, Power Level flexibility and Experimental research

Description du projet

Élever le niveau de la sûreté des réacteurs nucléaires

L’énergie nucléaire est un substitut à faible émission de carbone aux combustibles fossiles et peut jouer un rôle de premier plan dans la transition vers la neutralité climatique, élément clé sur la voie de la concrétisation des objectifs du pacte vert pour l’Europe. Cela dit, les futurs réacteurs nucléaires ne pourront être intégrés dans le système énergétique européen qu’une fois que leur sûreté et leur capacité à répondre aux besoins sociaux auront été démontrées. C’est dans ce cadre qu’intervient le projet ESFR-SIMPLE, financé par l’UE. Il vise à renforcer la sécurité de la conception et l’économie actuelles du réacteur rapide sodium européen grâce à des technologies innovantes, conformément à la feuille de route de l’initiative industrielle européenne pour le nucléaire durable.


To facilitate the integration of the future nuclear reactors into the European energy system, it is necessary to demonstrate that the reactors have uncompromised safety and meet the future societal needs. The ESFR-SIMPLE project aims at challenging the current European Sodium Fast Reactor (ESFR) design to improve its safety and economics through implementation of innovative technologies in accordance with the ESNII roadmap. The project has 5 specific objectives:
1) Rethink the ESFR design in order to simplify it and make it more cost-competitive, while still achieving resource sustainability and having safety reinforced by intrinsic behaviour. This can be accomplished through reducing the size of the reactor, which will also allow taking advantage of Small Modular Reactor features such as transportability, modularisation, standardisation, and flexible operation, all ultimately leading to improved economics.
2) Assess impact of alternative technologies, such as metallic fuel and compact secondary system design, for the large-size ESFR on the economics and safety.
3) Propose, develop and assess advanced methods of monitoring and processing operational data using Artificial Intelligence, e.g. to optimise fault detection in steam generators at an early stage.
4) Produce new experimental data in order to assist in qualification of innovative components, such as expansion bellows, core catcher and thermo-electric pumps.
5) Ensure that the knowledge generated in the project is shared not only among the project partner institutions, but also with a wide range of stakeholders in Europe and internationally. The project activities will also be informed by the public and other stakeholders’ perception of risks and benefits of ESFR technology.
Close interactions with EU safety regulator experts will enable continued review and recommendation of the solutions proposed and developed in the project.



Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 857 214,00
75015 PARIS 15

Voir sur la carte

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 884 586,25

Participants (11)

Partenaires (4)