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European Thematic Network for unlocking the full potential of Operational Groups on alternative weed control

Descripción del proyecto

Una red europea para el control sostenible de las malas hierbas

La red temática Oper8, que capitaliza los resultados de ocho grupos de trabajo de toda Europa, establecerá procesos de participación con partes interesadas a fin de crear y conectar redes nacionales en cada país socio. También se identificarán los factores, los obstáculos y las causas principales de la falta de medidas de control no químico de malas hierbas. La red recabará, analizará, validará y difundirá medidas de control no químico de malas hierbas (inventario Oper8, mejores prácticas) y desarrollará actividades de intercambio de ideas (seminarios, explotaciones de demostración) dentro y entre las redes nacionales. El objetivo consistirá en cocrear, presentar y evaluar métodos de control no químico de malas hierbas. También desplegará herramientas y técnicas de transferencia de conocimientos (formación y recomendaciones de política) para adaptar, difundir y ampliar las técnicas alternativas de control de las malas hierbas y garantizar su difusión dentro de los países y en Europa.


Oper8 will set-up a self-sustainable, multi-actor, EU-wide Thematic Network to support and promote solutions for non-chemical weed control by building upon the knowledge and outcomes of 8 Operational Groups 7 countries, and stimulate knowledge exchange among all relevant actors and stakeholders. With the ambition to achieve a high impact and improve the sustainability of the European agricultural sector, the synthesis of partner OGs is based on their expertise, geographical location, novelty of solutions, as well as the established connections with the AKIS actors. Special emphasis has been placed on collaboration schemes among these OGs that progress at a different pace providing the opportunity to learn from the ‘early birds’, which will bring hands-on experience. The project will follow a multi-actor approach, implement a bottom up and top down model and build upon co-creation & cross fertilisation activities to help farmers access up-to-date knowledge, tools and techniques, applicable to specific conditions and needs.To this end, Oper8 will: (i) establish a stakeholder engagement processes to assemble the 7 National Networks (NNs); (ii) capture the drivers, barriers, and root causes of lack of non-chemical weed control adoption as part of a bottom-up approach; (iii) establish cross-fertilisation activities within and between the NNs to co-create, showcase, and evaluate non-chemical weed control methods; and (iv) deploy knowledge transfer tools and techniques (workshops, demo farms, CAP Measures) to adapt and scale up alternative weed control solutions and ensure their diffusion across EU. A series of actions (e.g. demonstration activities, policy recommendations and training sessions) for integrating project results into the CAP National strategic plans will be implemented, strengthening the AKIS and, ultimately, paving the way towards a transition to a sustainable agriculture in adherence to the Green Deal and its Farm to Fork strategy.

Ámbito científico (EuroSciVoc)

CORDIS clasifica los proyectos con EuroSciVoc, una taxonomía plurilingüe de ámbitos científicos, mediante un proceso semiautomático basado en técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural.

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Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 310 750,00
118 55 ATHINA

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Αττική Aττική Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 310 750,00

Participantes (7)

Socios (2)