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Fuel Recycle and Experimentally Demonstrated Manufacturing of Advanced Nuclear Solutions for Safety

Descripción del proyecto

El reciclaje de los nuevos combustibles nucleares gastados mejorará la seguridad y reducirá los costes y el uso de materiales

El sector de la energía nuclear está intensificando el reciclaje. El equipo del proyecto FREDMANS, financiado con fondos europeos, desarrollará conceptos tanto para los combustibles alternativos como para el reciclaje del combustible gastado. El equipo se centrará en los combustibles de nitruro. Estos materiales densos más fisionables, cuya conductividad térmica es mayor que la del combustible de óxido convencional, pueden mejorar la seguridad operativa y reducir los costes. Además, FREDMANS explorará el reciclaje no solo del material fisionable, sino también del necesario y caro N-15 isotópicamente enriquecido. El proyecto abarcará toda la fabricación avanzada, la reciclabilidad, la gestión de residuos y las aplicaciones industriales, y se prestará especial atención a la seguridad en todo el proceso, así como a la formación y la educación.


FREDMANS aims to increase safety and efficiency in both nuclear power production as well as the recycling of spent fuel. Changing from oxide fuel to a more fissile dense material with higher thermal conductivity can enhance both safety of operation and the economic impact of nuclear power. At the same time, a transition to a greener society with respect to both the generation and usage of electricity will drastically increase consumption of finite materials. Generation is predicted to increase by 16?20 times, in particular as electrification replaces the direct use of fossil fuels for heating and transportation. The nuclear industry can mitigate their part of the resource use through the recycling of spent nuclear fuel. This can enhance the actual power output by about 20 times. However, today there has been no full industrial demonstration of the complete recycling of nuclear fuel, although one time recycling, including of plutonium, has been used on large scale for many years e.g. in France.
The model fuel is nitride fuel. It may be more energy efficient/economically advantageous to recycle not only the fissile material, but also the required isotopically enriched N-15 that is otherwise currently a costly raw material.
The project sets objectives that address the overall goals of the SET plan, SNETP and EERA JPNM SRA to answer the specific aims of this call relating to the safety of advanced fuels and their recyclability, in particular nitrides highlighted in the call. We will prove that advanced fuels are a viable option for industrial use that can enhance the safety, sustainability and economics of nuclear power operation.
The work packages are: Advanced Manufacturing, Recyclability, Waste Management, and Industrial Applications. Across all these WPs, the crucial aspect of safety is held in high focus.As the real safety of future nuclear systems is achieved through well educated people, an extensive Training & Education work package is included.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 480 250,00

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Södra Sverige Västsverige Västra Götalands län
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 501 750,00

Participantes (14)

Socios (2)