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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Transforming European Work and Social Protection: A New Proactive Welfare State Fit for the Future World of Work

Descripción del proyecto

Transformar la protección laboral y social en Europa

El modo en que los europeos viven y trabajan ha cambiado significativamente desde el año 2000. La innovación, la internacionalización del mercado laboral y la transición hacia una economía ecológica son solo algunos de los cambios estructurales que repercuten en los ciudadanos. El equipo del proyecto TransEuroWorkS, financiado con fondos europeos, investigará cómo la Unión Europea (UE) y los Estados miembros mediarán en los efectos que tales cambios puedan tener en los europeos, la economía y la esfera política. Se presupone que la protección social debe ser sostenible, inclusiva y móvil para afrontar los cambios futuros. Asimismo, se centrará en las personas, los hogares, los lugares de trabajo, los países y la UE. También llevará a cabo encuestas, entrevistas y experimentos de campo a fin de mejorar el conocimiento y apoyar a los europeos para lograr un futuro más cohesionado, equitativo, inclusivo y ecológico.


For the last two decades, European countries have faced unprecedented structural changes due to digitalisation, automation; the internationalisation of the workforce; and the transition towards a green economy. How national and EU-level interventions will mediate the effects of these transformations will profoundly impact the future of European citizens, the economy, and political stability. TransEuroWorkS' multi-level, comparative, and multi-method strategy for scientific and social impact is driven by an understanding that social protection must be sustainable, inclusive, and mobile to address the complex and interlocking transformations of the near future.
The project examines eight policy areas: unemployment, sickness, old-age insurances, retraining, work-life balance, family and care policies, gender equality, foreign labour recruitment and freedom of movement, combining conventional protection policies with the more contemporary social investment approaches. Through research in 27 EU-member states and 2 non-EU countries, we address 5 levels relevant to the transforming world of work and social protection: individuals, households, workplaces, countries and the EU. TransEuroWorkS centres attention on social diversity, including gender, ethnicity, education, employment type, age, and household composition in its methodology. The mixed-methods design of the project, including an original survey on public opinion, survey and field experiments, and interviews with company managers and policymakers, will bring new knowledge on the analysis of existing policies and necessary adjustment measures. TransEuroWorkS will co-design research tools with social stakeholders, engage in policy feedback loops with EU and national policymakers, co-produce innovations and solicit feedback from citizens. Thus, TransEuroWorkS is formulated to bring research with the greatest potential social impact to support Europe's residents and a more cohesive, equal, inclusive, and green future.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 079 673,75
2311 EZ Leiden
Países Bajos

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West-Nederland Zuid-Holland Agglomeratie Leiden en Bollenstreek
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 1 180 395,00

Participantes (8)

Socios (3)