CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU



Öffentlichkeit in die Wissenschaft und damit verbundene Tätigkeiten einbeziehen

Die Verbesserung des Wissens über die Relevanz der Wissenschaft für die Entwicklung der Gesellschaft trägt dazu bei, Stereotype über Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler entgegenzuwirken. Dies kann auch mehr junge Menschen dazu bewegen, eine Karriere in der Forschung und Entwicklung einzuschlagen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SCIENCE4FUTURE-II zielt darauf ab, die breite Öffentlichkeit in Rumänien in wissenschaftsbezogene Aktivitäten einzubinden, um Einblicke in den Nutzen wissenschaftlicher Forschung zu geben und die Wissenschaft aus einer anderen Perspektive zu betrachten. Die Projektarbeit konzentriert sich auf drei grundlegende Ideen: die Zukunft durch die Vergangenheit; Gesundheit und Wohlstand durch eine saubere Umwelt; und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung durch Technologie und Innovation. Die interaktiven Aktivitäten umfassen Workshops, Spiele, Wettbewerbe und Debatten, die alle das Ziel verfolgen, die wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit zu fördern.


Science plays a major role in the development of a society. Despite this, the general population of Romania has little knowledge about the impact of research on all aspects of life. In this context, events that advertise science among the general public are very welcome. Another strong argument in favor of organizing the science popularization event is that this kind of events usually take place in major cities, while in small and medium towns they are very rare, so their population is missing the opportunity to discover
science from a different perspective; in turn, this lack of information facilitates the occurrence of stereotypes about scientists and their work and about the usefulness of scientific research, which ultimately discourages young people to pursue a career in R&D. The main concept proposed for 2022/2023 is to reduce the passive presentation of what means to be a researcher, by involving the people directly in different interactive activities (workshops, games, competition, debates etc.). The project is constructed around three
basic ideas: Future through past; Health and wealth through a clean environment; Economic development through technology and innovation. An important objective is also the future utilization of information gathered during the event, in order to enable
cooperation between relevant actors that are committed to support scientific collaboration that may generate new opportunities for research and industry and new knowledge and know how that can be shared by confronting new ideas and viewpoints. Regarding
the audience, the Dissemination Strategy will be directed towards various user groups, such as: the general public, especially young people, the scientific community, public institutions, NGOs, policy-makers, various associations, businesses etc. The partners have
the complementary skills to assure the achievement of the project objectives and the future exploitation of the results.


€ 74 450,00
400084 Cluj Napoca

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Macroregiunea Unu Nord-Vest Cluj
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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