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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Smart Complex Emulsions: A Versatile Approach to Opto-Electronics and Sensors

Description du projet

Émulsions intelligentes pour les appareils à lentilles de prochaine génération

Les émulsions sont des matériaux clés pour l’usage médical, car elles facilitent l’administration des nutriments, des médicaments, des agents de diagnostic et autres. Les produits pharmaceutiques, les diagnostics et la détection spectrale sont quelques-uns des secteurs qui dépendent d’émulsions complexes reconfigurables dynamiquement. Le projet SMARTDROPS, financé par l’UE, étudiera les émulsions pharmaceutiques fonctionnelles avancées ainsi que les émulsions complexes intelligentes (ECI) originales, et exploitera au mieux leur potentiel dynamique grâce à de nouveaux dispositifs intégrés. Plus particulièrement, le projet se focalisera sur les applications des ECI afin de créer de nouveaux appareils à lentilles contrôlés dynamiquement, des dispositifs électroniques organiques de hautes performances et des capteurs fondés sur les ECI.


Dynamically reconfigurable complex emulsions are becoming increasingly important in pharmaceuticals, medical diagnostics, and sensing. The main objective of SMARTDROPS is to develop original Smart Complex Emulsions (SCEs) and unlock their extraordinary multifaceted potential by creating novel integrated devices. In particular, SMARTDROPS will be focused on exploring three potential applications of SCEs: (1) SCEs containing multifunctional liquid crystals to create new dynamically controlled lensing devices, (2) SCEs that can form complex nanostructures, which will be used as high-performance organic electronics devices, wherein the liquid crystal organization will facilitate the charge transport, and (3) SCEs-based sensors that will be incorporated into organs-on-chips for continuous monitoring of cell activity without the need for complex and specialized equipment. Our target materials and their properties are relevant to present and newly emerging technologies, including high-resolution micro-lenses, high-performance OPV/OFET devices, and inexpensive chemical sensors with extraordinary sensitivity and versatility.

SMARTDROPS includes a strong transfer of knowledge between the host institution and me. The fellowship will advance my future independent research career in chemistry by providing me an interdisciplinary training in wide-range of skills, mentoring from leading experts in the field, and helping me to develop a new research line that has not yet been investigated at the hosting institution. The results emerging from SMARTDROPS will have a significant impact on the scientific community focused on the preparation of advanced functional materials. The proposed applications may contribute to advance future innovative technologies, and thus special attention will be given to the exploitation of the scientific results and their IP protection. This multidisciplinary project is in line with the MSCA strategy contributing to Europe's competitiveness and growth.



Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 179 089,04
50009 Zaragoza

Voir sur la carte

Noreste Aragón Zaragoza
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Partenaires (1)