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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Microplastic pollution in freshwater sediments: effects at the hydrology, microbial biofilm and thus water quality under global change threats


Wirkungsvolle Reduzierung von Mikroplastik in Süßwassersedimenten

Steinzeit, Bronzezeit und Eisenzeit münden im sogenannten Plastikzeitalter, da Kunststoff aus der modernen Welt nicht mehr wegzudenken ist. Plastik kommt überall und täglich zum Einsatz, aber auch die Umweltverschmutzung durch Plastik nimmt alarmierend zu. Alternativen sind biologisch abbaubare Kunststoffe, die sich bei bestimmten Temperaturen und Feuchtigkeitsparametern wieder in ihre Mineralbestandteile auflösen. Mehr als 28 Millionen Tonnen an Plastikmüll gelangen jährlich in Gewässer. Um neue Erkenntnisse zu liefern, untersuchte das im Rahmen der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierte Projekt SEDIPLASTIC Auswirkungen von (nicht biologisch abbaubarer und biologisch abbaubarer) Mikroplastik auf Süßwassersedimente unter Bedingungen des Klimawandels. Weiterhin entwickelt das Projekt ein Vorhersagemodell, das Aufschluss über negative Auswirkungen von Mikroplastik auf Ökosystemleistungen geben soll und Forschung, Industrie, Regierungen und Gesellschaft zugute kommen wird.


We live in the “plastic age”. Plastics are key for societal innovation and used on a daily basis. However, due to their ubiquity, persistence, inadequate management & improper waste disposal, they tend to accumulate in the environment. Besides, during their life cycle, they degrade into tiny polluting bits called microplastics (MP<5mm), considered a major environmental threat. Biodegradable plastics (BioMP) have become an alternative since they can be mineralized under certain temperature and moisture conditions. Fluvial sediments and their inherent microbial communities could potentially decompose BioMP due to their role as a nutrient recycling and its high enzymatic activity. However, how the degradation of BioMP will affect nutrient re-cycles in aquatic ecosystems, an essential ecological service, is still unknown. In addition, global change, especially, rising temperature, and hydrologic extreme events, mobilize plastics in freshwater systems and further degrading them into MPs. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop tools to assess, predict and mitigate their effects on freshwater ecosystems.

SEDIPLASTIC seeks to explore and provide new knowledge on MP (non- and biodegradable) effects on freshwater sediments under global change conditions. Sediment columns with different grain size, with/without microbial communities, and microparticles (inert, MP, BioMP) will be used. Hydrological parameters, nutrients, dissolved organic carbon, bacterial biomass, viability, and functionality, and MP mobility and degradation will be analysed. Moreover, to better understand the key role of MP in freshwater sediments and how can affect ecosystems services, a predictive model will be developed using project experimental data. Project outcomes will impact beyond academia providing novel tools for industry, government, and thus societal wellbeing. It will contribute to major EU research priorities and to global efforts such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (6, 12, & 14).


€ 181 152,96
17004 Girona

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Este Cataluña Girona
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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