CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Aerobic and Resistance Exercise Training for Improving Brain-related Outcomes


Innovative Übungen für das alternde Gehirn

Es ist eine Tatsache, dass unsere Gehirne altern, was zu einem kognitiven Leistungsabfall und bei älteren Menschen zu einem größeren Risiko von neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen und Demenz führt. Das Altern ist der Hauptrisikofaktor der meisten neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen einschließlich der Alzheimer- sowie Parkinson-Krankheit und es mangelt an Behandlungsmethoden. Allerdings bieten die nachgewiesenen Vorteile physischer Aktivität neue Lösungen für die Gesundheit des Gehirns. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt ART4Brain bahnbrechende Ansätze kombinieren, um Möglichkeiten auszuloten, wie physische Aktivität genutzt werden kann, um gehirnbezogene Ergebnisse bei Patientinnen und Patienten mit koronaren Herzkrankheiten zu verbessern. ART4Brain wird die Auswirkungen von Aerobik- und Ausdauer-Übungen auf den Blutfluss im Gehirn und andere Marker der Gehirngesundheit untersuchen, indem es innovative Methoden der Magnetresonanztomografie einsetzt und Kombinationen von Verhaltensweisen bewertet. Die Ergebnisse sollen zu einem digitalen Trainingsprogramm führen, das Gehirnerkrankungen effektiv vorbeugt.


Problem. Coronary heart disease (CHD) patients have a 45% higher risk of cognitive impairment and dementia. Currently, there is no effective therapy to prevent or cure those brain-related diseases. Recent studies showed that physical activity is associated with better cognitive functioning and a risk reduction of cognitive impairment and dementia in the general population. However, studies in CHD patients are largely absent. Evidence about the brain-related health benefits of physical activity are mostly based on aerobic exercise, but recent studies showed that resistance exercise also provides potent health benefits. ART4Brain. The overall aim of the ART4Brain project is to explore the effect of exercise and physical activity on cerebral blood flow, as a potential mechanism of cognitive decline, and executive functioning in CHD patients. Physical activity levels can be an important target in the CHD population, since the prevalence of physical inactivity is high. Accordingly, I will study the following scientifically and clinically relevant objectives: 1. Examine the effects of aerobic vs resistance exercise on global cerebral blood flow and other brain health outcomes such as cerebral vascularisation, brain structure and function using innovative MRI techniques; 2. Examine the association of objectively assessed combinations of behaviours across the full physical activity spectrum (physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep) on executive functioning (cognitive flexibility, working memory, inhibitor control/attention); 3. Translate scientific knowledge into a digital exercise training program by visiting the commercial partner EXi. Relevance for science and candidate. I will use innovative approaches to investigate the potential of exercise and physical activity to improve brain-related outcomes in CHD patients. The studies and training are performed in a world-renowned research group, which will greatly expand my expertise and boost my scientific career.




€ 165 312,96
18071 Granada

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Sur Andalucía Granada
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