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Poly(catechol)-Lignin Hybrid Electrodes for Sustainable Batteries

Descripción del proyecto

Electrodos híbridos para baterías de polímero de iones de litio de nueva generación

Las baterías de polímero de iones de litio son baterías recargables con tecnología de iones de litio que se pueden recargar múltiples veces. Esta tecnología sostenible y eficaz utiliza un electrolito polimérico en vez de un electrolito líquido. Hasta ahora, la mayoría de los polímeros redox activos probados son sintéticos, y su explotación comercial se ha visto obstaculizada debido a una alta relación coste-rendimiento. El objetivo del proyecto SUBPOL, financiado por las Acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie, es desarrollar baterías recargables acuosas de polímeros metálicos. Para ello, se emplearán biopolímeros y polímeros redox activos sintéticos a medida (policatecoles) en el cátodo y ánodos metálicos. El éxito de SUBPOL dependerá en gran medida del diseño de materiales, la fabricación del dispositivo y la ampliación de la tecnología.


Designing safe and sustainable batteries is of great importance for sustainable development of our modern society. Hereof, rechargeable aqueous metal-polymer batteries (RAMPBs) that combine inherently sustainable redox-active polymer (RAP) organic cathodes, safe and abundant metal anodes in water-based electrolytes are identified as promising candidates. However, to date, most of the tested RAPs are synthetic ones, and their commercial exploitation hasn’t been accomplished due to high cost/performance factor. SUBPOL proposal aims to develop sustainable RAMPBs by hybridizing cost-oriented biopolymer (Lignin; Lig) and performance-oriented synthetic RAPs (PolyCatechols; PC) into organic cathodes, and combining with appropriate metal anodes (Zn, Pb, etc), targeting their performance beyond state-of-the-art (150–600Wh/kg, ~$150/kWh). SUBPOL will follow an integrated approach of macromolecular engineering-tailor made PCs, biopolymer platform-ease of Lig modification, novel electrode fabrication methods-LbL of complimentary charged PC and Lig polyelectrolytes or polyelectrolyte complexes and device optimization. This Fellowship will provide ER strong technical, professional and transferable skills, especially with acquisition of biopolymer batteries and scale-up, which will complete his practical expertise in synthetic RAPs, their applicability in different batteries. The success of SUBPOL depends on material design, device fabrication, scale-up, and all members of this consortium: Dr. Patil-ER, supervisors, Prof. Crispin-Linköping University at host, Dr. Marcilla-IMDEA Energia (secondment), Dr. Nilsson-Ligna Energy (placement in non-academia) have already demonstrated required skills in this regard. Optimistically, SUBPOL will cover some of the priorities of HE-WP for energetic future of EU, and also its multidisciplinary aspect provide a true opportunity to reach his career goal of becoming an independent researcher in either a leading university or R&D batteries company

Ámbito científico

CORDIS clasifica los proyectos con EuroSciVoc, una taxonomía plurilingüe de ámbitos científicos, mediante un proceso semiautomático basado en técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural.

Régimen de financiación



Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 278 409,60
581 83 Linkoping

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Östra Sverige Östra Mellansverige Östergötlands län
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
Sin datos

Socios (2)